⇀Chapter 12↼

126 17 181

-|Short  chapter|


There is only one bathroom with a shower, and even though it is a decent size it's cramped with the toiletries necessary for the six people that use it now. It's the first time I've used this shower, and it takes me a minute to figure out the mechanics of it before jumping in. Standing under the hot water I'm in heaven. I hum to myself as I get squeaky clean. The humming turns to mumbling, and now I'm singing. My voice rings off the tile walls, and the others can probably hear my caterwauling, but I give no shits today. I take my time, finally stepping out when my skin is pink and the whole bathroom is filled with steam. I dry off and put on a clean, blue sundress. I pick my evil eye off of the counter and put it on. I dry my hair as much as possible with the towel before putting it in the hamper and heading back out to the kitchen.

Taehyung snickers when I walk in, "What in the world were you singing?"

I raise an eyebrow at him, "You tellin' me you don't know REO Speedwagon?"

"You tellin' me there's something called REO Speedwagon? What decade were you born in?"

"That takes me back," Jiwon has a faraway smile. Joon looks at her and chuckles softly.

"That particular band was never really up my alley."

I laugh, "Power ballads are up everybody's alley. You can't tell me you wouldn't sing along to that if it came on the radio," He just keeps laughing and shakes his head. "Party poopers, all of you," I walk over to the chair I'd been sitting in, but hesitate before I sit down, "Anything else important that we need to discuss, or are we off the clock for the day?"

"I think we've talked all we can for now. Minhee, why don't you go show Jeongguk your energy shield? He'd get a kick out of it," Joon stands from the table and goes back to emptying the dishwasher.

"Your what?" Jeongguk gives me a quizzical smile.

"They haven't told you? I do everything wrong, including energy blasts," I push my damp hair out of my face and stand up. Joon and Jiwon stay in the kitchen, but the rest of us scamper down to the garage to get in some blasting practice.

"I can't believe it's been months since I've blown any lights," Jeongguk seems very excited as soon as we reach the garage.

"Just make sure you look before you shoot," Taehyung elbows Jeongguk in the ribs and they both laugh, apparently at an inside joke. I raise an eyebrow at them.

"When Tae was teaching me this stuff I had a nasty habit of closing my eyes."

"Yeah, nasty is the word. He hit me! Alot!" Taehyung steps towards the batting cage of lamps and pulls a pair of dark sunglasses from his pocket. I have to admit they are a good idea.

"So what's this shield Joon mentioned?" Jeongguk grins at me. He definitely had braces, his smile is perfect.

"It's really not that impressive," I shake my head, trying not to laugh at myself, "and it's not too useful offensively speaking. I'm not too useful offensively speaking."

"Just because you haven't used it that way yet, doesn't mean you won't need to," Jimin remarks as he starts turning on the lights.

"Okay, now I have to see it," Jeongguk smiles excitedly.

"The shield is cool, but it's what she does with it that's really fun," Taehyung  puts on the sunglasses and starts helping Jimin with the lamps.

"You guys keep talking it up and he'll have super high expectations. Then he won't be impressed," I walk over to the middle of the lamps, grinning with excitement. This has fast become my favorite new hobby, and I haven't had a chance to show off since my first week here. A fresh audience is a rare thing in the firehouse.

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