Prologue: Don't Read What Comes In The Mail

Start from the beginning

But he had recovered himself and his rage as soon as she seated herself back on the couch. " Its his bloodly birthday Sandra!" He spit out the words, "And he dares invite me to that house.."

The house she died in.

The memories of his mother bloodly form filled his head and so he poured another drink.

"Peace, love." Sandra soothing voice filled his head, making him feel instantly calmer. But then she stood up and the sheet slipped of her shoulders and he felt dizzy again. "I understand your frustration. I dislike him too. But we are under no circumstances to refuse." She said, reminding of all the favors the man had done for them.

He shut his eyes for a moment, trying to calm his rushing heart. But the anger haven't left, and he desperately needed a distraction from his thoughts. He eyed his wife with increasing desire and ran his fingers down her shoulders. " You're right, you're always right." he leaned forward and kissed her forehead. "Why should I worried about him when I have you?"

He felt her warm breath against his neck as she let out a laugh. All day he felt asleep, his body tired and dragging against the will of the work. But now that he was with her, he never felt more awake. She broke away with a smile and took her place back on couch. Her book now held in her arms as if it were gold.

"Just try to survive it," she adviced," It can't last long. Besides, his wine collection is worth it."

He hid away a smile. His wife love of wine was notorious among their friends. She could simply kill for a good glass of wine.

"Yes, yes." He sighed, taking a seat next to Sandra. "I can handle one night with the corkpopper."

Just as he sat down, his phone gave a ping. He took out the immanent device and immediately regretted it. It was message from his assistant, Elizabeth Carter. Stating his son Mason had gotten into another fight at another bar with another one of his hoe friends. Mason was a troubled child, he had always know that he would be. How could he not be? with a father who needed to snort coke before every business meeting.

He sent Elizabeth the money needed to get Mason out of jail and switched off his phone for the night. Beside him, Sandra had folded her arms and shifted away. He immediately knew she had seen Elizabeth name. The two of them had never gotten along right, but whilst Sandra was his heart and soul, Elizabeth was his right hand and backup brain. He couldn't survive without either of them.

"Elizabeth been giving you glances."

He almost smirked, but his brain told him that definitely was not the right response.

"Eliza is nothing but a co-worker," He said firmly.

" A co-worker in the office, or a co-worker in the bed?" Sandra arched a brow at him. He could sense the danger of this conversation a mile away and decided he should change it as fast as he could.

" What does that even matter?" He tried to kiss her lips,"You're my co-worker in life." she moved away before he could do anything but have his brush his lips against hers. He felt a chill when he saw the deadly look on her face.

"You're married to me and you should only be sleeping with me."

He felt his own temper flare, soon his anger had matched hers. Whenever they argued their words would clash like thunder and lightening. Both fierce, both fire. They always ended up burning together.

"And who says I'm not?" He said, his head began spinning but he paid it no mind." For once I wish you would actually trust me, have faith in me and realize my loyalty has always been with you." He stood to his feet, trying to get rid of his dizziness. Why did Sandra suddenly look like Taylor Swift? damn alcohol.

She stood up right next to him. Her face hard and her eyes glaring,"Oh really?" She started and he instantly felt dread."Your loyalty to me? as if I haven't heard what has been said behind my back. I am not naïve, I know the whispers well, but remember, without me, your entire company would not be in existence."

He laughed coldly at that remark. She helped him with everything yes, but he could have done it without her any day. At least, that's what he chose to believe." I would not speak so sharply if I were you. I could have built anywhere, it's in my family blood, but you? you were nothing without my status." why did she have to be so damn frustrating?

Sandra laughed mockingly, " Oh really? Do you consider me a lowborn then? sweetheart, status means nothing to me. You are talking heiress of an ancient house, watch your silver tongue before you insult it." She warned, but Alan had never been fearfull of her.

Well, not that much anyway.

"Ancient, Forgotten, you need to move this century dear, and stop living in the past. You act as if we didn't build this empire together, you act as if we weren't partners in everything. You assume I fool around but the same could be said for you."Alan felt the urge to look at his gun again but instead poured himself another shot and down it in a second. 'I spoke to Markus, Sandy. He told me a lot." he said quietly.

A shadowy glare came over her face at the mention of his name." Markus? The cheating slut who tried to get at me? Believe it or not, there's a reason why he couldn't show up at work last month and was hospitalized. " She looked down her silver charm bracelet and touched it." My only regret is that the needle did not pierce his heart."

Alan paused, cup at his lips. It did make sense when he thought about it. Markus was forever chasing after anything with two legs, he was a hoe through and through and he did nothing to hide that fact. If he were being honest, Markus had been his friend for a long time, they had even gone to school together. It pained him to think that after years of friendship and companionship Markus was still always what he would always be. Alan was beginning to realize that no matter how much you cared about someone, gave for someone, lost for someone. you couldn't change them and make them do the same.

He looked Sandra's face. Fiercely beautiful as the day they had met. Her eyes still held that warmth for him even when they made him shiver. She, this woman who had given so much to him, lost even more for him, but still cared for him, was his greatest pride.

" Consider her fired."

You only get one chance at something better than what you deserve

and she was his.

The invitation laid forgotten on Alan's bedside table. The low light casted a mellow glow on to the creamy black and white piece of paper. In tiny curly letters written on the back it read:

We need to talk

- Delilah Black

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