Juryoku Nakahara information

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Name: Juryoku(Gravity)

Surname: Nakahara(Central Plain)

Age: 7-8

Parents: Chuuya Nakahara(Father) Anka Kobayashi(Mother)

Ability: Hell of Gravity

About ability: Juryoku's ability is basically the same as Chuuya's gravity ability. though she is able to send people to the bottom of the earth where they will sadly burn and die. Her ability is just a more developed and stronger version of Chuuya's. She is able to use corruption but has more control over herself. the only problem would be getting out of the state. The only way to get out of the state would be for Dazai to touch her.

Personality: Juryoku is a nice to only the people she knows or trusts. everyone else she would be happy to get rid of. to her only the strong can live in the world. if someone doesn't have an ability and doesn't seem strong or deadly she will lash out at them. also never ever call her or Chuuya short she will retaliate with a deadly punch of some sort. 

Favorite food: Yakitori

Least favorite food: Natto, there is just something in it that makes Juryoku tick.

Favorite color: Red, since she saw her mother die and lives with the port mafia red is a color often seen by Juryoku. shes gotten used to seeing it.

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