Chapter 6: Burn

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Wednesday August 17

It's been only a day since that incident in the church, but it felt like a million sleepless nights. The thickness and warmth of his blood, and the frozen image of his face haunted my dreams. However, I woke up to a peaceful sunrise. Through the window you can see the sun peak over the horizon, awaiting her moment to rise and shine brilliantly as always. Streaks and rays of sunlight rested over my eyes forcing me to close my eyelids tightly.

"Mrph!" I tossed to the side, but the sun still came in. I tossed to the other side, and then I got quite impatient.

"Dammit, get out of my eyes!" And then with a sharp thump, the window blinds closed shut. The sound alarmed me, and I shot up. "Oh, uh thank you?" I knew I wasn't going to go back to sleep so I finally gave up my pursuit for comfort and got up. The bed room was empty, everyone must be awake and out on the field. I wonder why they didn't wake me. I'll leave them a note when I go out today. I went out the front door and into the bright sunshine. The soil under my feet were slightly damp. The air was slightly misty, how hard has it rained last night? I went to the tree that my brown horse was tied to. Maximillian, the horse, was busy eating the grass when I untied him. I try not to force him when he's eating, but if I waited for him, I would have been there forever.

"Ugh c'mon on boy, hurry up." And then suddenly his head raised and he slowly walked towards me. That's strange, he barely obeys me as it is, hmm. I set him up with a saddle, and we rode to Leon's cottage up north. Maximillian galloped his hooves against the concrete while the sun slowly crept into the sky's center. It still felt misty which made the air significantly cleaner. I felt my long blond braid fly through the wind, and I bounced as Max galloped on. Leon's cottage is a little more spacious then ours. As soon as Leon turned sixteen, he decided that he would rebuild that house from scratch. Of course we offered our assistance. However Leon declined, for his pride was at stake. We were impressed with the results, and we were even more impressed by the fact that he built it all by himself.

"I have to know how to build things if I ever plan to marry you know?" He would say. Once in a blue moon, we'd talk about that sort of thing. We are of age to get married of course, and Leon and I are engaged. At least, we declared ourselves to be when we were children. When we were kids he would tell me that I was the prettiest girl in the world. However, now he would joke and tell me that marrying a tomboy like me would put a damper on his masculine pride. My mother even tried to play matchmaker. "Hunting is a man's job. If you ever want to marry, you need to focus less on hunting and more on cooking and cleaning. No man wants to marry another man in a lady façade." However, I was never interested in "lady" things. Cooking, cleaning, knitting, sewing, how incredibly boring. I live for the hunt. That's what keeps me going. That's what keeps Leon and I going. He came out of the cottage with no shirt and messy hair.

"Mourning my dear husband." I called to him.

"What did you call me?" He asked yawning and scratching the back of his head. I giggled slightly.

"Get dressed, we work to do."

"Actually, there's somewhere I'd like to go today. Do you mind?"

"I suppose not." I shrugged.

The place Leon wanted to go to was the riverbed by the church. I wanted to slap him for bringing me here, but Leon insisted. There was something very important here. Leon and I were given the chance to unwind and I let my thoughts wander with the rushing water. It was cool water, my hands touched and brought some to my lips. It was so cool and crisp. I felt it flowing slowly down my throat, quenching my thirst. There was peace with us once again. But my mind is still concerned. The boy, what he said, what did he mean? "Noel Blakeway, your prophecy has been written. I can no longer use my power, but I bestow them upon you. Use it, to end the tyranny of the church. Only you can do it. Remember the name Elise Durante. You will find the answers you desire." It's all very strange to me, Elise Durante, who could that be?

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