Chapter 3: Milord

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Sebastian stood by my side, pen and paper in hand, prepared for dictation. And I stood by the window with the glorious view of the manor that is claimed to be mine.

"At your command, milord." He was ready, but was I equally prepared? Slowly I took a breath, unscrambling the words in my head to complete single thoughts. Thoughts that may become sentences, written on a piece of paper. "Words bear more weight than gold," my father always said, "so be cautious when choosing the ones you use."

"Alright then, Archbishop Servais. I summon you to our manor for a council meeting of great urgency. A great sin has been committed, a sin that warrants a just penalty and severe retribution. I, Lord Zacharias Griffin, intend to obtain the roll of the inquisition in the forthcoming trial. You, however, bear the only right to give punishment to the perpetrator as you see fit. I invite you to this council meeting tonight, here in my palace. Let us carry out justice by the right hand of the father. Sincerely, Lord Zacharias Griffin." I heard Sebastian scribble on the paper, and suddenly he stopped.

"Brilliant Milord, Absolutely brilliant!" Sebastian, always the yes man. I waved him away.

"Summon the messenger, tell him to send the message to the Archbishop." I demanded.

"Yes, Milord." And he scurried off.

My temples started to throb, my fingers gently rubbed them in circles. Here in the sweet solitude of my chambers, I felt as if the walls were closing in and cutting off feeble attempts of catching satisfying breaths of air. The stress was certainly overwhelming, I felt like banging my head against the walls. I stood up from chair and walked around the perimeter of the exceptionally large room. My boots would sweep against a royal blue carpet, with little specs of gold sprinkled around the area. My hands would sweep the edges of the mahogany desk where papers and stress are spread out. Designs are carved into the dark wood, and filled with melted silver.

The red walls are painted with armory and animal heads that I personally obtained. Swords and helmets hung on the wall with pride. On the right wall, all my swords were hung vertically, side by side. My hands stroked each one, feeling the designs, and the crest. I pulled one of the wall and pulled the blade out of the blue and gold scabbard. I saw it, the metal glistened and bathe in the sunlight from the window across the room. I was mesmerized by the sharp double edge. Gently, I slid the blade back inside the scabbard and hung it back on the wall. My gaze shifted to the large window that overlooked the entire manor. I looked out into the distance to see the small town behind the moat that surrounds this stone and marble castle.

Not far away, I could see the church, standing with pride and glory. The knights of the inquisition should be there now, investigating the heist. The posters that were left around the manor probably won't do much. Half the damn serfs are illiterate anyway. I'll need to go down there and explain the situation myself. Interrupting my thoughts, Sebastian came back kneeling down to me.

"The message has been sent Milord." Pushing past him in the doorway was a woman. Her large and loud dress and tall boisterous hair says a lot about the woman. 'Tis Catherine, my fiancé.

"Zacharias!" Though he slay me, yet I trust in him. Give me strength Lord to one day tame this beast.

"What, Catherine?" I kept my eyes to the window, avoiding Catherine's monstrous appearance.

"What is all this talk about a church heist? What happened? You do plan to do something about it right? Why haven't you told me about this?" Everyone in the bloody manor knows of the heist. If you'd stay out the mirror and open your damn eyes you would know too.

"Ugh, Sebastian. Ready my horse and gather fifteen knights of the manor. I must inform the serfs myself."

"Yes Milord." And Sebastian scurried off and lightly closed the door behind him. It was just me and... Catherine.

I was to marry Catherine for score five moons ago, however this incident occurred and I insisted to take part in the investigation. I knew perfectly well that this arranged marriage was inevitable, however I jumped at the chance to hold off the ceremony once I had an acceptable excuse. Her large and high hair is not only an endangerment to my eyesight, but also my finances. Her face was never bear of make-up. It goes without saying that she is rather hideous in physical appearance and in personality. If she had the slightest sense of humor, she could challenge the court jester with that face of hers. And simply because I am the Lord of this land and because I am of noble blood, I must marry into nobility no matter how ugly and terrifying it might be.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you Zacharias." I rolled my eyes and slowly turned to face the beast.

"Catherine, please I am very busy at the moment."

"What business could you possibly be doing staring out the bloody window?" she threw her hands in the air. My teeth clenched. "Anyway, I need thirty thousand pounds."

"And what could you possibly need that much money for?" I bet thirty thousand pounds that she wants new hair.

"I need new hair you idiot." Of course.

"Catherine, every serf would have enough fur for a thousand winters with all that hair on your damn head. Listen, the heist caused everyone panic right? So the church will no longer accept nor make any transactions with me or anyone else, right? In other words, I have lost quite a deal of income. So what is the wise choice to make with thirty thousand pounds? Should I invest in Knights of the Church, or should I invest in your new and most-likely revolting hairstyle?"

"Ugh, how dare you! Besides, if you need money, just tax the damn people!"

"Are you mad?! Tax what? They have nothing, we take enough from them."

"I am Lady Catherine. I bear noble blood and the right to that of which I claim to be mine. I am entitled to have my every desire. To hell with the serfs."

"I could say the same for your hair. Now leave me be, I must go-,"

"Talk to the serfs? You must shun me, your fiancé, away to the corner, while you go talk to your precious serfs?"

"I am trying the best I can to be a better leader alright? I cannot do that with you constantly in my ear! Now obey your Lord and dismiss yourself so I can get some peace and quiet!" Catherine and I argued quite often. Simply because she is educated, unlike most women, she seems to forget her place. She may not be pushed around that easily, but if I was genuinely serious, she would not defy my authority.

"... Yes, Milord." She spat and stormed out of the room. Slamming the door behind her, I couldn't help but smile when I noticed how quiet it is in her absence. I felt as if the air was fresher, and sweeter.

"Um, Milord." The peace just couldn't last could it? I sighed heavily to myself.

"What is it Sebastian?"

"The horses are prepared." Oh yes, of course. I have to go inform the serfs. Then I must go to the church and supervise the investigation.

"Thank you Sebastian. Everything is set in the palace courtyard?" I asked while equipping myself with a sword.

"Yes, Milord."

"Well, let's hurry on then!"

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