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I ate as fast as I could and I grabbed my shower things and clean clothes and took a quick shower. No one was in there since they were all working. My hand stung when the body wash stuff went in it but it calmed down after a while. I half dried my hair and then put it in a side braid for it to dry. I tied the cloth back around my hand and ran back to the homestead.

Went I went to Gally's room I saw him lying there. It brought a lump to my throat. He looked grey and had beads of sweat all over him. I saw that his legs and arms were tied to the bed. Probably to stop him hitting Clint or Jeff. Black veins traveled up his neck.

There was a bowl of water next to his bed with the same piece of fabric that I was using to cool him down. I started putting the damp material to his forehead when Jeff came in. "You were fast I though you would be longer since I saw you going into the showers" he spoke bringing in a bowl of soup. "I was hurrying to come and help" I said smiling. "Jeff come and help winston please?!" I heard clints voice shout up. "Could you feed him? Just give him half a spoonful every few minutes?" He asked. "Yeah, I want to help anyway" I said taking the bowl from him.

That's how I spent the rest of the afternoon. Cooling down Gally and feeding him. He wasn't screaming or thrashing around, he would just mumble inaudible words as he moved his head. Until someone came into the room. " Jeff was right then, you won't leave his side" I heard someone say flatly. I turned my head to see Newt. "Yeah, well my day as a slicer didn't go to plan" I said holding up my hand. Newts eyes went wide. "Does it hurt still?" He asked coming to sit on the chair next to me. I shook my head. "Not much now" I said smiling.

"How was the maze?" I asked, making convocation. "Pretty strait forward, no grievers" he said smiling. It hit me then. Gally got stung by a griever and I'm sitting hear scared for his life, and Newt faced that risk everyday. I don't know what I would do if it was Newt lying there looking like he was going to die.

"Hey what's wrong?" He sounded really worried. "What? Nothing, why?" I asked trying to convince myself. "Your about to cry" he said leaning forward and grabbed my hand. Electricity. That's what I felt. I blinked the tears away. "Brooke?" He pushed. "Just realised that you face going through what Gally is every day, I don't want you to get hurt or face dying. I've been here less than a week and I feel close to stupid just forget it" I said shaking my head and forcing a small smile.

"Hey it's not stupid, if you were a runner I wouldn't want you to face it either, but don't worry about me I promise I will always come back through those doors unharmed by any buggin' griever" he said looking at me starit in the eyes. I wanted to hug him, I wanted to be closer to him.

I have fallen for Newt. This isn't going to end well at all.

Jeff came into the room that we were in. His eyes followed down our arms and to our interlocked hands. He smirked. "am I interrupting anything?" He asked with one eyebrow raised. "Umm.. No, what's wrong Jeff?" Newt asked, pulling his hand from mine. My hand went cold. I looked at Newt, his face slightly red.

"Yeah anyway, Alby told me to tell you that you need to eat something proper tonight, since you were here at dinner yesterday" he said looking at me. I nodded, but stayed seated. I looked over at Gally. I don't really want to leave him on his own, I mean what if he wakes up.

I felt someone's hand wrap around my arm. If was Jeff. I knew because I didn't feel anything. "Go on Brooke I will watch him, go with Newt and eat something" Jeff said. I looked at Newt and he smiled and gestured me to follow him.

We were at the front of the line to get food. "He will wake up soon, he's stopped screaming. I promise" Newt said rubbing my arm to calm me down.

"I know, it just I know he's in pain. He keeps looking like he having nightmares too"I said sighing. I got some chicken and mash potatoes from frypan. "He will look like that Brooke, most people who have been stung before have been worst" he explained. "You like him don't you?" He asked with no emotion. "Not like that, but I feel kind of...protective of him for some reason" I explained.


After I finished eating Newt went for a shower and I went back to sit with Gally. I heard the maze close and I noticed how dark it had got. Explains why I'm starting to get tired.

"Hey Brooke, your working with frypan tomorrow so you have to be ready and there before the runners" Jeff said. I jumped. "I didn't know you came in" I said, taking in a deep breath to calm my no pounding heart.

Jeff laughed. "Don't fall asleep here again" he said leaving the room.

I was slouching in the chair with my knees up, eyes getting heavy. I started slowly blinking. I felt myself drifting to sleep. A shout filled my ears. I jolted awake and felt my self hit the floor. I shot up and saw Gally sitting up breathing heavy.

"Gally? Are you alright?" I asked as I saw a tear roll down his cheek. He shook his head. "Are you in pain? Do you want me to get Jeff or Clint?" I asked and he shook his head. "No I'm not hurt....just the memories" he spoke, whispering.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked. He looked at me.

"I had a family, my mum got a disease that sent her mad. They killed her, right I front of me. I was about nine. I had a little sister she was a year younger than me, I couldn't see her face properly, like I couldn't see her.... They took me and her when I was fourteen. They put us through tests... I don't know what happened to her. I saw a boy about our age. He worked for them. He did this to us" he said, his voice breaking as he spoke about his sister.

"Who are they?" I asked, confused. I knew that they were the people who killed his mum, I got that much.

"W.I.C.K.E.D.... The people who killed my mum and took my sister,they are the ones who treated us like mice. Running tests all for the cure of the disease that my mum had" he spoke again.

"Look we are going to get out of here an you will find your dad and your sister" I spoke, the trying to pull him for the pool of...grief? That he was in for losing two family members. He just shook his head.

"The world is destroyed" he said shaking his head. "We can't leave" he added.

Newt walked through the doors. He was looked at Gally wide-eyed and he shot back out calling Clint and Jeff. I head the sound of three sets of feet running down the short corridor.

"How long has he been awake?" Jeff questioned as Clint rushed over to him checking him over. "Only a few minutes. He didn't want me to get you strait away. I think he wanted to calm down a bit first" I answered. Jeff nodded and went to help Clint. Alby came running through the door.

He went and crouched by Gally. "Do you want to talk about what you saw?" He asked. Gally shook his head and looked at me with pleading eyes, that were now dry but bloodshot. He didn't want anyone to know what he saw. I nodded at him letting him know I wouldn't let anyone know. His face washed over with relief.

"Ok, try to rest up and regain your strength" Newt said, as he started to guide me out of the room. "Newt wait, I wanna make sure he alright" I said. "Brooke I'm okay, thank you and you too Newt. I could hear you sometimes... Brooke you need to sleep, I know Newt took you to your hammock last night after he spoke to Alby" Gally said. I felt Newt tense next to me and I saw Alby smirk a little.

I nodded and walked out with Newt to our hammocks. I saw mine and Newts clothes hung over the wooden banister, they were damp and clean. "You washed my clothes?" I asked as I turned to him. He nodded. "Well yeah, that was the deal" he sId taking off his backpack. I smiled and took off my boots and weapons. I sat in my hammock.

"You were right, Gally is okay. Shocked by the memories but okay" I said smiling. "I did tell you... I had no Idea that he would be able to hear us though" he said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Why? Does that scare you? Somebody knows what you and Alby were talking about while I was asleep" I said smirking. Newt went red.

"Night Brooke" he said smiling a shy smile.

"Night Newt"

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