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We slowly walked over to where Gally and some guys where wresting. Gally pushed someone out of the circle and he fell at my feet. Both boys laughed showing they weren't actually fighting.

"Go see what your made of greenie" the boy on the floor said standing and taking my glass out of my hand. I didn't know what to do, I looked at Newt. "Are you mad Winston he's three times the size of her!" Newt spoke alarmed. Gally ran up to us, shook Winstons hand. "Don't worry I won't hit her I'll just try and push her out...lightly" Gally spoke, like he was mocking me. He doesn't think I would be brave enough to do it. "Your on shank" I said walking past him into the middle of the circle. Everyone looked shocked.

Gally walked and stood opposite me. "Ok rules are simple I can only push you, you can hit me..just not in the face.... You try to last more the thirty seconds. Got it?" I nodded. "Good that" I said getting ready.

I nodded at Gally telling him to start. He ran at me arms open but by his side. I stood there until the last second then I stepped to the left, crouched and pulled his legs from under him. He fell to the floor with a thud and a groan. The boys surrounding us 'ohh'ed. Gallt jumped up and came at me again. This time I didn't move, I pushed my hand out and turned it so my wrist faced his neck and it collided with where his windpipe is. He stopped and tried to get his air back. I didn't hit him that hard, just enough for him to need to stop and breath. Gally laughed a bit not hurt and stood up. "Your good greenie" he said and ran at me. I ran from him making it to the centre of the circle. I felt Gally grab me and swing me around and let go making me go flying about five centre meters from the line that I had to stay in. The crowed sucked in air.

"Gally you didn't say you can throw her" Newt shouted at him. I looked up smiling to show I was fine. I was at Newts feet. "I'm fine watch.... You might need to move though" I said and winked. He looked at me confused and stepped back a few steps. I looked at Gally and he was coming towards me, not a hint of rage on his face. He put one foot either side of me and he half lifted me off the ground, he was trying to move me over the line.

My foot shot up and kicked him hard in the balls, I'm wearing boots to so its gotta hurt. Gally stumbled slightly and held his 'wounded' area. All of the guys watching laughed. I stood up and faced him and pulled his ear over the line, making sure not to go over myself. Gally fell lying in a ball where Newt stood. The whole glade was silent. Apart from Gally's groaning. I looked at Newt, he looked completely shocked. I started to think that I went too far.

Then everyone started cheering Newt and Mihno ran up to me and lifted me onto their shoulders. Everyone ran around me chanting greenie at me.

I was grinning "my name's Brooke" I shouted over them laughing. Then they started chanting my name. Gally, who was now half recovered but still stood crouched over abit, was now standing in front of Minho and Newt with a outstretched hand. I shook it and he smiled at me, clear that he was in discomfort with his pain, I felt bad. "Sorry Gally" I said meaning it. He shook his head. "It's good no hard feelings" he smiled up at me.

After about another hour everyone started going to their hammocks. Me and Newt took our boots off and lay down. I turned my head to see he was looking over at me. He blushed slightly "You are bloody brilliant, no one had ever beat Gally before, not even Alby" he said chuckling. I laughed. "He couldn't hit me though" I added but still smiling quite proud of myself. "The way he threw you to the ground would have had most people out anyway" he added. "Guys don't think like girls" I said and shrugged. He chuckled. "Make sure you rub it in his bloody face tomorrow, night Brooke" he said as he took a breath to blow out the candle.
"Night Newt" I said before I let the tiredness take over.

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