Dreading what came next, I went and inspected the bathroom. It was just as bad (with equal number of spilled cans). Only now, there were stacks of wrapped Twinkies in the shower. Some soggy ones laid molding in the bottom of the tub. And there was one soap bar, one bottle of shampoo, one masculine-looking razor, one tube of toothpaste, and even one freaking toothbrush! For four girls (now five). Ew! Oh and how did I miss that? There was some decrepit pizza turning green on the back of the only toilet and stuck to the emerald colored walls; actually starting to blend in.

I went back out in the open floor plan of the living area, feeling like I was going to hurl. A trip to one of the bedrooms and I was done. Imagine all the mess and filth of the whole apartment, double it, and put it in one room. It was that bad. What girl can live like this? Making the mistake of actually breathing in that cave, I sprinted into the nasty bathroom, weakly flicked a green-ish cheese puff off the toilet seat, and puked. After that was done, I angrily grabbed my phone and started snapping pictures of the place to show the headmaster. This dorm wasn't even livable. I was shooting the last decaying hotdog in a bedroom when the front door opened. Instantly, I sprang up to go give them a piece of my mind. That's when I heard their voices - male voices. Maybe they were my roommates' boyfriends... I stopped wading through the ocean of dirty clothes on the floor to listen; swallowing in disgust.

"Dude," one of them yelled, wrenching open the refrigerator. "I told you we needed to clean up in here. Doesn't it look nice now?" I slapped myself to make sure I was hearing correctly. Nice?!

"That it does, Griff," another called back, punching something and making the TV turn on. "Totally worth the ten minutes." Wow...

"But why, exactly did we have to pick up?" the third voice argued indignantly. "Levi toss me a controller, man."

"Get it yourself, Cade," the last boy, Levi, groaned. "And Vander told you earlier, idiot, we're getting a new roommate." My heart dropped. Say what now? Why was I put with the guys? What part of the name 'Ayvril Raven Doveling' screams 'She's a man?'

"Well," I whispered to myself encouragingly. "Time to face the music." Of course, when I went to stand, did I actually see eye-to-eye with what was in a huge, glass tank. "Oh my gosh," I hissed, looking at the biggest tarantula I had ever laid eyes on. It suddenly looked up from the equally-big slice of pizza it was sitting on and stared right at me. "Don't freak out..." I stammered out. "Don't fr-" I broke off with an insanely high-pitched shriek (that even hurt my ears) as that demon spider flung itself against the glass to attack me. Ignoring the clamoring of the boys I terrified outside, I took at a full-out sprint, out into the living room, and then out the front door. "No way in Hell!" I paused to shout at the stunned faces before streaking down the hallway and starting down the five flights of stairs, never slowing down.

* * *

Cade's POV

I looked at the boys' expressions; slack-jawed mirrors of my own. "I think that was our new roomie, guys..." I forced out, still staring at the place where that small blondie just scared the living crap out of all of us. Something dawned on me. "She'll go to the dean, man!" I started swatting at Levi's arm anxiously. "You know how he gets when he gets complaints... Our asses are done for," I wailed. That guys snapped out of their trances and exchanged horrified looks.

"Go get her!" they all yelled at each other, storming out the door. Me, being the awesome me that I am, was faster than all their sorry butts and was leading the charge. We all had a little bit of an advantage, but we're not gonna talk about that right now. Using said-advantages, we caught up to her on the third landing. Since I was the first one to her and because I was our team's Tackler, it was my job to take her down. Hehe, I enjoy what I do.

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