Unknown Fate

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Story Title: What Happens When Lucas of the Parallel World Crosses Dimensions

Source: Suddenly Became A Princess One Day [Novel], Volume 6, Book 5: What Happens When Lucas of the Parallel World Crosses Dimensions

Author: Plutus

Artist: Spoon

Disclaimer: Story and art are not ours, only the translations. Translations are not 100% accurate.

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Translator's Notes:

- Italicized words are Lucas' thoughts.
- In the ebook set, the novel is not separated like this, but only with asterisks to mark a change of scenario. We took the liberty of dividing them based on subject matter and making up chapter names, but we did not change the order of events nor modified parts it.

4. Unknown Fate


After teleporting, Lucas opened the Dimension Door. An explosive light suddenly spread out before his eyes.

It was possible to cross dimensions right in the bride's waiting room earlier, but then other people could get swallowed up. Of course, Lucas doesn't care whether they were unfortunate enough to fall into another dimension, or wander through the cracks of the dimension for billions of years. However, he didn't want people to get stuck like pebbles in the Dimension Door and twist the orbit around the other world.

Even so, he was already struggling to find traces of the first two people who crossed dimensions, as the Road had already been twisted.

'Damn it, I've just been offended in this world.'

As Lucas stepped into the Dimension Door, he recalled the unlucky encounter earlier.

I haven't paid much attention to him before, but now I'm starting to not like this Ezekiel Alpheus.

It was a belated regret that he should have given him a lesson, as he had already stepped into the light.

Paaah! Lucas once again moved to a new world.

After that, he met several other selves and Princess Athanasia from different dimensions. Then, there were times when he ran into Emperor Claude, Ezekiel, and the chimera, who also have jeweled eyes. But it was still his other world's self that made Lucas feel the most miserable among them all.

Why do you have such a fucked up personality? You fought everyone you made eye contact with in all dimensions you've been to! Such a stuck-up person!

The only time Lucas didn't get into a fight in the four months that he's been crossing countless dimensions, was during the first world he visited. After all, that Lucas became a father and seemed to have a calmer demeanor.

I thought that maybe, when he met the other Lucas earlier, he got used to him or something, but that doesn't seem to be the reason.

Because it wasn't only Lucas in the first world who had previously encountered another Lucas that had crossed dimensions. And when they saw Lucas the second time, they were angrier and more driven to kill him.

Lucas was terribly offended by the misunderstanding that he was the same person as that fucking bastard. So the first few times, he insisted, "I'm not that guy!" But the constant response to that was, "You're still dead!" For that reason, Lucas later told them to just die, without any explanation.

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