The Lucas Who Became A Father

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Story Title: What Happens When Lucas of the Parallel World Crosses Dimensions

Source: Suddenly Became A Princess One Day [Novel], Volume 6, Book 5: What Happens When Lucas of the Parallel World Crosses Dimensions

Author: Plutus

Artist: Spoon

Disclaimer: Story and art are not ours, only the translations. Translations are not 100% accurate.

Please do not repost and report!


Translator's Notes:

- Italicized words are Lucas' thoughts.
- In the ebook set, the novel is not separated like this, but only with asterisks to mark a change of scenario. We took the liberty of dividing them based on subject matter and making up chapter names, but we did not change the order of events nor modified parts it.

2. The Lucas Who Became A Father

So when that Lucas was spending some lovely time with Athanasia, Lucas of the parallel world was feeling a deep pang.

"Fuck. What's this all of a sudden?"

Lucas, who became much stronger after absorbing the branches of the World Tree, opened the Dimension Door and was looking for traces left by Lucas of the other world. Then, the moment when the clues seemed to be visible, the Dimension Road suddenly became tangled. Lucas was swept away by it in an instant.

Pushed by the flood of light, Lucas scowled.

I can't believe that the Road that has been normal up until now, has become so twisted. Someone who can do such a tremendous thing... It can only be me from the other world!

Lucas thought the same thing as Lucas of the other world. So, as he was grinding his teeth, the light that had scattered before his eyes finally began to fade.

Lucas fell to an unknown dimension.

When he opened his eyes, he saw green leaves covering his vision, and the blue sky peeking between them. He was buried in thick bushes.

"Damn it! I think I went the wrong way...!"

Rustle! Just then, footsteps were heard not far from him.

"Princess, where are you going?"

"I felt a familiar mana here."

Princess? Is it possible that she's the princess I was looking for...? No, that can't be. Because the voice I heard was too young. Did I fall to a different dimension?

Lucas frowned and used invisibility magic. But maybe it was a little too late. Because the next thing, as Lucas tried to get up, someone suddenly shoved their face through the bush.

Lucas was shocked by the face he saw. The person who appeared out of nowhere was a young girl of not more than ten years. Through the grass, a pair of shining eyes, sparkling of all colors, first caught his attention.

Uh, jewel? Lucas flinched. Then, this is Obelia, right?

But the child surprisingly looked straight at Lucas despite using invisibility magic, and shouted, "Found!"

Not only did they made eye contact right away, but she even held out her tiny hands and grabbed his. Naturally, Lucas was astonished. But when he was able to look at the child's face more closely, he was speechless again, but for an entirely different reason.

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