The Beginning

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        I could feel it in my bones and by the chill in the air something was starting, something was begining, and it wasn't very good. I drew my cloak closer to my head as I hurriedly walked down the streets cobbled stones. My heels making a skipping clack on the wet rocks, the night had an unwelcome chill in the air for the spring. I saw faint glows in the distance coming from windows in the village house's, seeing this I made sure to properly cover the wooden basket with a blanket so if by chance I saw someone out late in the night they would not see what was inside. Of course if the stranger happened to inquier I would have to take certain measures but for now I could only think about taking cover in a safe place. 

        In the distance I could see the looming castle, it was huge in proximity and I had to stretch my neck back just to see the tallest tower. The darkness made it seem creepier than it actually was during the day. The castle was so tall that some clouds were poking at the tip of one tower. They say that the King who lives in there is immortal and will take young beautiful maidens and eat their hearts in order to stay immortal. I shivered at that old wives tale, just the thought that it could be true made me feel uncomfortable. Although the King rarely comes out, he usually stays inside and only lets a few men and women inside.

        I was nearing one of the pubs and saw that it was open and went inside. There were surprisingly quiet a few people here trying to get a reprieve from life's duties. I sat down in the back out of the way and in a corner so that no one would come by and talk to me. I tend to give off a stand off emotion so I don't usually make many friends. I slowly took off my hood with my trained eyes looking around the room, so far no ine has noticed me. So I let my long blonde locks down; I have been complemented many times by my appearance. With long wavy blonde hair that reaches my back that alone woud be enough to catch any person's eye but my dark blue eyes capture any man and womans attention. 

        A barmaid who saw my entrance and made her way towards my little table in the corner. As she appproached I took in her mediocore looks and saw the familiar look of jealousy in her eyes. I sighed, I had that affect on many women and even some men sometimes, it was my curse.

"Hello ma'm I dont think I've seen you around these parts before... What can I get you to drink or eat?"

"I'll just take a water and nothing to eat thank you." I could tell she noticed my strange accent but couldn't ask any further questions because her employer was yelling at her to take some drink over to a table of boystrous men sitting towards the front of the tavern.

        I started to relax having my journey being almost done. I just had to deliver this basket and be payed, then I would finallly be done. Ever since I could remeber I had been an orphan roaming from one village to the next begging for food and money. Then one day a man by the name of Luvieré took me and raised me as his own. He trained me how to fight and taught me how to protect myself. Once I was old enough he sent me out doing jobs for his "customers". I owed him a blood debt so I willingly did his bids in hopes of one day gaining my freedom and today was that day. If I made it through the day that is. This was my most dangerous job so far and I was starting to wonder what was so important about this basket.

        When I was first presented this job I adamantly refused it. No way was I going to be inside the capitol city of the kingdom let alone infiltrate the Dark Castle itself. But luvieré talked me into it- he said that by completing this one job he would swear the blood oath off and release me from his control. So here I was too close for comfort in a tavern near the Castle about to break in. The bar matron brought me my water in a brown dirt covered mug. Her aproaching the table brought me out of my thoughts as I accepted the drink with both my hands and flashed her a comforting white smile. Watching her carefully and keeping my smile up I asked her charminly as if we were old friends.

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