One wish

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If I'm honest, I'd probably wish for unlimited wishes because that's just the kinda person I am.

But seriously, one thing I've been wishing for for a long time now is:

A cure cancer. Cancer took someone very important to me. I know of people fighting a battle with cancer. I even watched someone fight their battle with cancer. Watching her fight her battle was heartbreaking. Nobody deserves to fight that battle.

I send out all my love to anyone who is fighting a battle with cancer or anyone who has won their battle. ❤

I don't think this wish really needs a reason. Almost everyone knows at least one person who has cancer. So many people are effected by this.

I'd like to dedicate this chapter to someone special. You may not be with us anymore, but you will always be with me in my heart. RIP, I love you.❤️

I didn't mean for this to sound so upsettig, but it is what I wish for.

Thank you for all the questions so far. Y'all are the best.❤️

Ask LoveDielari_Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang