Ultimate christmas present

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'The best Christmas present isn't what's underneath the tree, but who's around the tree' (or something along those lines!)

Basically, I believe that's the ultimate present wouldn't be something money can buy. It would be family and friends.

Last year I had a great family Christmas. There was me, my mum, my dad, my sister and my nan and grandad. We were all at my grandparents house for Christmas and it was lovely. This year, everything is different. Early this year, my parents split up and I lost contact with my dad, my sister moved out, we aren't so close now, and my nan passed away. So this Christmas will be me, my mum and my grandad. So it will be different.

I'd say I took last Christmas for granted, because I thought I'd have all those people with me the following Christmas. I was wrong. It just shows you how much can change in a year. So, the ultimate Christmas present for me is a Christmas family. Telling Christmas jokes from the crackers, wearing the Christmas hat while eating a massive Christmas dinner, talking about old memories and creating new ones.

So when you're opening your presents or tucking into your Christmas dinner, just stop and have a look around at the people you're surrounded by, because they are the best Christmas present you could ask for.

This year, I'll be sure to enjoy my Christmas with my mum and grandad and I hope you enjoy your Christmas with your family or your friends or whoever your loved ones are.

Thank you for this question, it really got me thinking! I wanted to give a personal answer rather than an answer like 'the new iPhone 6', you know?

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