German or Pablo. My choice and why!

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Germangie. Oh god this could be long...haha! Well, i remember we were introduced to Angie and Pablo before Angie and German and I literally just thought they were friends, nothing more. I saw no chemistry. None. No. Then, when Angie was in German's office and German walks in and they just looked at each other I thought 'hey, there could be a storyline here!' And I was right. DO YOU GUYS REMEMBER WHEN OLGA WAS COOKING AND ANGIE GAVE GERMAN SOME TO TASTE AND THEIR FINGERS TOUCHED AND THEN THE EYE CONTACT?! (I'll try and put a picture of it in!) I'm pretty sure that was the first time I properly fangirled over a couple. Like ever. All the little cute things, the way they looked at each other, they way Angie always knew what German was thinking, the way they would smile at each other gave me so many feels. I felt like "Pangie" was just a friendship. I never freaked out when Angie hugged him or anything. Honestly, I think it was the previously mentioned Germangie moment that really made me realise I shipped this couple so very hard. I just never felt anything like that when I saw a pangie moment. And the storyline drew me in, the way Angie was falling for German and knew she shouldn't because he didn't know who she really was. The Germangie storyline just seemed much much much more interesting than the pangie one. German loved Angie when he didn't know who she was. Angie tired to fight her feelings for him but they became too strong for her. That's when I thought, 'this, this is true love...' ❤️

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