Chapter 8

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Cemre takes a deep breath as she steps into the front doors of the mansion. She lets it out as a huge grin grows on her face. She is finally free of the bane of her existence. She is finally rid of that peasant who stole Emir from her. Her life is about to get so much better now that Reyhan is gone.

Cemre wanders around the house for a few minutes before finding Cavidan in with Hikmet, the woman pretending to feed her bed ridden husband.

"I'm stuck with Hikmet duty since that peasant isn't here taking care of him. I clearly didn't think this plan through," Cavidan says, frowning at the bowl of mush in her hands. She intentionally lets the contents of the spoon fall onto Hikmet's chest.

"Isn't that hot?" Cemre asks her.

"Probably," Cavidan shrugs, unbothered by the possibility of Hikmet being burned by her carelessness. "What does it matter? It's not like he's going to say anything."

"True," Cemre nods, stopping in front of the mirror to check her make-up. "But we do have to be careful for awhile, so Emir doesn't blame us for anything happening to Hikmet amca. We don't have a scapegoat now that Reyhan is gone."

"Gone?" Cavidan asks, her mood perking up. "You got rid of her?"

"Gave her to the guys myself," Cemre laughs. "She's probably halfway to Izmir by now. Hopefully they'll dump her out at sea. Or sell her to the highest bidder. I don't care anymore. As long as she doesn't end up back here."

Cemre frowns at the mess Cavidan continues to make. And she begins to wonder if this is what she wants for the rest of her life. She and Emir would probably be happier having the mansion to themselves.

"Once I'm the lady of the house, I think you and Hikmet amca might be more comfortable in a smaller home of your own. I'm sure I can get Emir to find you two someplace nice. With a nurse to take care of Hikmet amca for you."

"You're crazy." Cavidan laughs. "If you think I'm going to let you take my place as lady of this manor any more than I let Reyhan do it, then you're insane. I run this place. I am in charge. And don't you forget that. And if you do manage to forget, then maybe I'll forget about helping you get Emir. He's my son. He'll do what I say. And if I tell him some of the things you have done, he wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole. You can forget about marrying him."

"Are you threatening me?"

"Cemre, take it however you want to take it," Cavidan snaps. "I don't have time for you or your foolishness. You should go home. You've worn out your welcome."

Cemre's mouth falls wide open in shock.

"And now you're sending me away?" she asks in disbelief. "You use me to pay for your shooter so you can frame Hikmet amca. You use me to force Reyhan to divorce and leave Emir. But now that you've gotten all you wanted, you're just through with me?"

"Cemre dear, it's not like that. We had a useful partnership," Cavidan says. "But at the end of the day, I can tell my son anything I want and he'll believe me. If you're not careful, you'll be permanently out of his life. Just like that stupid little woman he married."

"So you don't think Emir will believe me?" Cemre gives her a challenging stare down before nodding. She pulls her phone out of her pocket and shows the screen to Cavidan. "He may not believe me. But he'll believe this."

Cemre presses play on the recording.

Cavidan: Every day in that rat hole, I only thought about how I would punish this kept woman who had created so many troubles for me. Every day, every night. I thought of everything, to the smallest detail. I kept waiting for the day when I could take revenge on her. How do you think I was able to stand living in those slums?

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