Chapter 4

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The perfect opportunity comes the next day when the doctor makes his weekly house call. As usual, he starts with talking to Emir about what's been going on with his father during the week. How he's been eating. If he's been responding to anything. How he's coping with his medications. And things of that nature. Then the doctor conducts an actual physical, examining Hikmet closely for any atrophying muscles or bed sores. Cemre has to hide her smile when he finds exactly what she wanted him to find.

"What's this?" the doctor asks Emir, pointing to a wound on the side of one of Hikmet's legs. "It looks like he was stabbed with a fork or something."

"That's crazy, Doctor," Emir says. But his sharp gasp at seeing the wound for himself stops any other words from coming out his mouth. Just like the doctor said, the five tiny holes would line up perfectly with a fork.

"You seem surprised," the doctor says. "Who takes care of him? Who could have done something like this?"

"We have two women who are his primary caregivers," Emir tells him. "And I handle a lot of his care myself. This wasn't here this morning when I dressed him. It must have happened shortly after."

"Who fed him?" Cemre offers helpfully. "It must have happened then."

A deep frown comes to Emir's face as he thinks and realizes who.

"Reyhan," he practically growls, storming out of the room to find her.

Cemre smiles at his reaction. She can't believe it was that easy.

After giving the doctor orders to dress the wound properly, she runs after Emir to make sure the rest of her plan goes off without a hitch.

"Reyhan," Emir bellows, searching the entire mansion for her. Cemre catches up to him when he reaches Reyhan's room. He angrily bangs on the door until she answers. Her hair is wrapped in a towel and she's wearing a robe, obviously having just gotten out of the shower. Regardless, Emir pushes his way inside anyway.

"Emir? What are you doing?" Reyhan asks, pulling the top of her robe closed.

"Why did you do it? Was this your plan? To actually damage my father just to make us believe he needed you?'

"I don't understand," Reyhan says, slightly panicking. "What's wrong with Dayı? Is he okay?"

"Like you don't already know," Cemre tosses in, trying to stir the pot.

"Cemre, I'll handle this," Emir tells her, keeping his angry glare directed at Reyhan.

"You shouldn't have to deal with something like this," Cemre says, stomping over to Reyhan's dresser. She opens the drawers and starts pulling things out, throwing them on the bed to pack. "Just put her out. She's gone too far this time. Get her suitcase to make this go faster."

"Cemre! Stop!" Reyhan screams as Cemre continues pulling out Reyhan's clothes.

"Why? Are you afraid I'll find ..."

Cemre plays it perfectly. She gasps in horror as she pulls out the next item. A fork. Wrapped in a bloody napkin. She dramatically turns and shows Emir what she's discovered. Then they both look at Reyhan.

"You actually did it," Cemre says. "You actually stabbed Hikmet amca."

"What?" Reyhan shrieks. "I did no such thing."

Emir takes the fork and napkin from Cemre and just stares at it. Then he looks up at Reyhan in disgust.

"Get dressed," her orders. "And meet me in my office."

When he leaves, Cemre gives Reyhan a smug grin.

"I warned you, but you didn't listen. I told you that you wouldn't like the outcome if I had to get involved."

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