"Y/N are you okay," She asked panicked while helping me up

"I'm fine" I answered through girted teeth. I had definitely broken something.

I looked up and noticed the two nomu's running towards us. They weren't as fast or strong as the ones back at the USJ but they were still a danger. I didn't have any time to react so I pushed Nejire out of the way and took the punch again. This time I was sent flying through the building. It collapsed on top of one of the nomu's who was bearly affected by it. It launched towards me ready to throw yet another punch at me.

I don't know what happened but suddenly my bone quirk went into overdrive and I produced a giant shield from my entire arm. I blocked the nomu's attack and decided I needed to strike now. As if I knew how to control this enhance power all along, the shield grew large spikes that pierced the nomu on multiple places leaving it unable to move.

I quickly tried out these new abilities and noticed I could create far larger things and even detach them painlessly. I grew a confident smile and dashed off towards the others. When I got over the now-demolished building I saw Nejire on the ground exhausted.

"She used too much of her energy again," I thought to myself as I grew another Sheild on my left arm

I got between Nejire and the other smaller nomu right as it was about to punch her. My shield blocked the attack perfectly. I stretched out my right hand and in an instant produced three large claws and went in for a counterattack. The claws sliced through the nomu effortlessly and it fell to the ground

"You okay?" I asked Nejire

"What was that?" She asked both shocked and curious

"No idea I flew through a building and then I could just do this," I said honestly

I helped Nejire up and we quickly made our way to Tamaki and Mirio. They were both breathing but they were severely hurt. The nomu was still standing tall

"Hey ugly it's me you want right" I yelled gaining the nomu's attention

I quickly made its way towards me and I produced another shield to block the hit. Compared to the other nomu's this one sent me back a bit. It was obvious that it was stronger. Suddenly a tentacle was wrapped around the nomu and it got slammed into the concrete.

"Nejire call for reinforcements" I yelled to her blocking yet another hit

It didn't take long until she was talking to someone. I continued to block hits until Dabi stepped out of the incinerated restaurants.

"Alright let get this over with," He said making another click.

Suddenly the nomu ran and collected the other two nomu's and started merging with them. It didn't take long before it was about twice the size it was earlier.It prepared for another attack and i barely managed to get my shield up to block it. To my surprise, the shield shattered. I bit my lip to not scream from the pain and instead quickly prepared a giant flame. I shot it out and it sent the nomu flying into the restaurant demolishing a wall.

"More heroes will be here in 3 minutes" Nejire yelled out

"Alright Y/N keep them safe until then," I said to myself

The nomu slowly made its way out of the ruble and instantly charged me. I dodged out of the way and made a sword. For a while, I just used the sword for parrying until I found an opening. Once I saw it i thrusted the sword forward right through the heart of the nomu. The nomu flinched but didn't even care. This put me in a really bad spot which I soon noticed. The nomu hit me right in the stomach sending me flying into what was left of the restaurant.

I felt a horrible pain spread through my torso. I slowly looked down finding a piece of rebar sticking right through my chest. The feeling of warm blood ran down my stomach as I grew colder with every passing second. I tried to move but it was no use. It was getting hard to breath. Every second made it harder to stay awake.

"Y/N!" I heard Nejire cry out as she ran towards me

"Hi Nejire," I said weakly

I started to faintly hear sirens

"Y/N stay with me! Help is almost here" She cried out

It didn't take long until Mirio and Tamaki were sitting next to me. I saw Toga and Dabi get warp gate out of there along with the nomu.

"Nejire don't cry please," I said even weaker

"No, no no no don't go, please. We need you" She cried out desperately

"Nejire listen to me. No matter what happens ill always look over you." I whispered

I got no response except for tears

"It's getting dark. I'll see you guys later. Goodbye," I said

soon after I felt my last breath leave.

The end


The skys beautiful (Nejire x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now