01: 1/4

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A/N: Before we start, I'd like to give a huge shoutout to Goldus_Queen for helping me out with this story!

Rapid footsteps headed in Y/N's direction. She lifted her eyes from the laptop's screen and saw her little sister running in.

"Mommy!" She squealed, tugging the sleeve of the woman sitting next to Y/N. "Look!" She held up something tiny between her small fingers. "My tooth came out!" She grinned widely, now sporting two missing teeth. 

"Congratulations, baby. Let's put it under your pillow," her mother said. But as she stood up, her phone began to ring. "Sorry, I've got to take this," she said before putting the phone to her ear.

The little girl's arms dropped to her sides and a pout formed on her face. Y/N's heart went out to her. "Hey, I'll help you, Yuno," she offered.

"Really?" Yuno's smile was back and she started bouncing on the balls of her feet again. Y/N unwrapped herself from her warm cocoon of blankets and held Yuno's hand. The little girl led them to her bedroom and climbed up on her bed excitedly.

Y/N brought a small square of tissue paper and gave it to Yuno so that she could wrap the small tooth. "I will keep this deep under my pillow," Yuno said. "So when the tooth fairy comes, she'll wake me up when she tries to get the tooth and I'll finally catch her!"

Y/N rolled her eyes playfully, "you're such a deep sleeper. It'll take an army of fairies to wake you up."

Yuno grinned widely and fell back on her pillow, bringing the blanket up to her chin. For the first time in a long time, she seemed eager to go to sleep. "Did you brush your teeth?" Y/N asked.

"Of course. That's how my tooth came out."

"Okay. Sweet dreams." Y/N turned off the lights and closed the door behind her. On her way back to the living room, she saw that her mother was in her bedroom, doing her office work. It looked like Y/N would have to put the quarter under Yuno's pillow herself.

Retrieving her laptop, she went back to her bedroom. There, she opened her drawer, fished out a coin and placed it on her desk lest she forget. Now, back to that essay.

A few hours had passed since then and Y/N's eyelids had grown heavy. She had even been nodding off while researching on the topic. The essay was due the next day and Y/N had managed to finally email it two hours before the deadline. She stood up from her chair and slipped into her bed. That's when she noticed the coin sitting on her desk.

She groaned before getting out of her bed and picking up the coin. When she stepped outside her room, all the lights in the house had been switched off. Her mother must be asleep. She padded along the corridor and reached her sister's room. She pulled down the handle and the door opened with a soft click.

Yuno was sound asleep. The blanket had slid off the bed and pooled on the floor and the little girl was curled up in a ball. Y/N picked up the blanket and laid it on the sleeping figure, tucking in the sides so that it would not fall off again. She carefully snaked her hand beneath Yuno's pillow for the tooth. Upon feeling the surface of the tissue paper, she secured it between her fingers before pulling it out.

Y/N heard the sound of something sliding and she automatically froze. The sound was followed by flapping of wings. She turned around slowly and a gasp escaped her lips when she saw the silhouette of a man. As she tried to back away, her foot hit one of Yuno's toys, causing her to stumble and fall on her butt. The tooth and the coin dropped from her hand.

The man tilted his head in her direction and flew towards her. "Stay back," her voice was shaky and her legs felt too weak to stand up again. She glanced at Yuno, who had not even stirred. "Wha-"

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