Front Rows

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When it was almost 9 o'clock, the royals and the fairy godmother's daughter got up to leave the enchanted lake because they have a curfew. The villain's kids had a curfew as well but they couldn't care less about the rules there. They couldn't care less when it came to any rules.

"Aren't you going to get up? The dorms have a curfew." Shinichi asked them as he was putting on his shirt.

"Nope, we'll stay for a bit longer," Kaito answered after letting go of Eisuke's head that he was holding at chokehold.

He didn't want to admit it, but he kept observing Shinichi very closely that day. He just couldn't stop his sight from wandering towards the prince and his indigo eyes, but while he was looking at the prince, he noticed how the fairy godmother's daughter was close to him and somehow that irked him. Irked him way more than he would like. He didn't like it when she leaned too close to him when she laughed, or when she whispered something to his ear. He didn't like that she was obviously head-over-heels for him and he didn't know why. Whatever feeling he was feeling, he didn't like it and he wished it would go away.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with us now?" Ran said.

"Yeah, we're pretty sure," Kaito said coldly. He couldn't help it. The coldness just seeped out of him, and he didn't feel bad about it, even though she did nothing to him.

Ran obviously noticed his coldness but she decided to ignore, and she smiled sweetly and said, "Okay, we'll see you guys tomorrow in school."

When the villain's kids made sure that the royals plus the fairy godmother's daughter were far gone, Kazuha was the first to talk.

"I think Prince Heiji is the charm boy."

"What?!" They all yelled in shock.

A long time ago Kazuha met a young boy that came from Auradon. She remembers having the best time with him, she remembers laughing with him and arguing with him, and she also remembers how comforting it was to be with him especially after the hard time that her mother gave her for yelling at her because she was weak and had a good heart. And lastly, she remembers giving him a charm identical to hers, to protect him from her mother. The boy never told her his name, so she just called him the charm boy. She never forgot about him, and now she can explain why Heiji's face was so familiar to her when they first met.

"What makes you think he's the charm boy?" Eisuke asked curiously.

Kazuha explained what happened to her and the fairy godmother's daughter and told them about how the princes were watching closely.

"It was obvious that they just wanted to see if I had the charm." Kazuha finished.

"I mean it was kind of obvious," Kaito said, "You said he looked familiar to you, and he is dark-skinned, just like the charm boy."

"They are many other dark-skinned students here, Kaito."

"Well, then if Prince Heiji is charm boy, and he found out that it was you who gave him the charm that's a good thing," Sonoko said in a-matter-of-fact tone.

"And why is that exactly?" Kazuha asked, with a raised brow and crossed arms.

"Because that means that after all these years, he hasn't forgotten about you and he still cares about you, and that could help on getting us to the front row next to him at his coronation-"

"Why in the world would we want to attend his coronation?"

"God Kazuha! Will you let me finish?" Sonoko yelled, "Because the stupid fairy godmother will use her magic wand there!"

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