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Everyone had settled down in a circle in Adrien and Nino's room after dinner. They persuaded Mme. Bustier and sent her to sleep with Marinette promising her that she would wake the teacher if things got even minorly out of control.

Adrien was picking out all the comfortable things they would need, pillows, cushions, blankets, comforters, everything.

Marinette was on the phone ordering snacks for them with Mylene and Ivan listing off their menu.

Alya, Nino, Alix and Kim were discussing what they were going to do tonight in a corner, murmuring to each other and making sure no one else could hear them.

Nathaniel had pulled out his tablet to add some finishing touches to his latest digital artwork; Rose, Juleka and Mark praising his work and suggesting little tweaks here and there.

And Lila, as always, was shamelessly spreading more lies about her so called 'friendship' with the princess to everyone willing to lend her an ear.

Alya and Marinette made sure to pointedly ignore her.

"Now, now." Alya said loudly, clapping her hands to gather her friends' attention. "Let us start."

Everyone immediately sat up straight, keeping aside whatever they had been doing to pass time.

"What should we start with?" Marinette asked, resting her arms on a pillow.

"Truth or Dare." Kim and Alix sang in unison, sending smug smirks the blunette's way. By now, everyone knew Marinette absolutely despised Truth or Dare.

Marinette huffed, throwing them a stink eye.

Oh, just wait for the tables to turn, bitches.

"Anyone can randomly choose anyone for the chance. It's a surprise attack!" Alix declared, making herself comfortable.

"I will start!" Kim cheered loudly, bearing an evil smirk.

His questions were generic and dumb but the humility they brought to the answerer was nearly unbearable. And you didn't even want to ask about his dares. Alix had once ended up puking all night after a particularly nasty one. No details.

Everyone shared uneasy glances. Oh Jesus, let them not be the person targeted by Lê Chiên Kim.

"So, I will go with," He pretended to think, his finger circling around and pointing at everyone, one by one. "Alya Césaire!"

There was a united sigh of relief from the others before they sent a nervous Alya smiles of pity. There were false cheers around, everyone wondering how much humiliation would Alya face today.

"Truth or Dare, Alya?" Kim asked, still donning that evil smirk from before.

"I- Uh- Truth?" Alya answered apprehensively.

She much preferred being embarassed in front of everyone than adding phenyl to someone's perfume or drink something anonymous made by the devil himself.

"So, what, according to yourself, was the most embarassing thing you have ever done?" Kim asked, rubbing his palms together.

Oh, this was blackmail material people.

"Marinete will confirm it for us. Whether it is true or not, so don't even think of lying."

And there itself Alya knew she was stuck. Marinette could be the human manifestation of Satan when she wanted to be.

"Well," Alya began hesitantly, fidgetting with her fingers. "I was trying out this party dress that Marinette made for me. And instead of sending its picture to Marinette, I sent it to someone else."

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