The curfew was finally lifted when trio picked her up from University after the Viva of the year, bombarding her with how was it? Pass or Fail??? It was neither...just fine. She was 'almost' sure of getting her doctorate degree in 4 months and in twin celebrations - they went for an early show of 'Early Man'. Arnav somehow sat through the animated comedy as KAA gushed throughout, what he knew for sure would be a box-office flop. Khushi couldn't stop grinning sadistically as Aloo and Aru pestered him on their way to the restaurant with, "Daddy, you also love Nooth?" "Daddy, Hognob was like Oggy na?" "Daddy, Dug was so funny!!" After daily doses of Shinchan, Doremon, Chota bheem and Oggy, he could only grimace and say yes, yes and yes! 

Double celebrations coz, Khushi who had applied for the post of Assistant Professor in govt. declared 1,225 vacancies last June, had cleared the interview. Many from her college had got selected with preference given to DU scholars in Delhi vacancies. Her job as Assistant Professor(Grade 1, adhoc basis only, 70k per month, at Saket study centre of IGNOU) was to begin next semester only. It 'll take atleast 3 years to become permanent and research performance would definitely increase her chances. Only problem was, Saket centre was in opposite direction of all three -CP(Arnav's office), DPS RKPuram(Aloo's school) and Little Pearls(Aru's play school). So, no more 'joint rides', she could only act as volunteer driver till she joins in August. Khushi was satisfied with herself. She had no shame admitting that she never had 'reach- the- top' dreams, always wanted to have a simple steady job, peaceful life and that's what she was living. Not being ambitious in today's world didn't feel like a crime to her. 

Payash quadrupled the celebration. Arnav's blessing to his 'fast friend', SIL Payal, "May you become the fattest pregnant lady in the world", came true. Doctor had already suspected that she was carrying twins and the same was confirmed in ultrasound checkup that day - they were identical twins. The news didn't hinder Payal's work-life for now, but Doctor advised her to go on maternity leave by end of fourth month, i.e., 1st week of April. With Anjali, Shashi and now even Khushi free to assist them, Payash were not at all worried about it. 

As Arnav had no foreign trips lined up for next few months, Akash had no problem in syncing his office timings with his wife who started handling accounts and online part of their restaurant. Hilarious part was Akash's anxiety regarding how he 'll handle three delicate people, also shot up. He started experiencing nausea, disturbed sleep and bloating - all symptoms of sympathetic pregnancy. Family was having great time in this new experience of taking care of two pregnant persons. Arnav suggested him to start working from home as twin pregnancy needs more care and he needs rest. With Aman meeting girls for arranged marriage - rejecting them and being rejected himself, Arnav's workload had increased for sure. But he knew to manage office was much easier than answering Akash's absurd questions of "Bhai, what if I bathed same baby twice? Bhai, how 'll I identify them? Bhai, what if both cried at the same time? Bhai, how to change both diapers together?"


Sumit Arora was getting irritated now. Anjali Raizada hadn't received his calls for third day straight after sending him a dismissive message of two words - "Its over". And this being Valentine week with romance choking the air, wasn't helping his mood. His girlfriend aka almost fiancee can't behave so ridiculous over such a small matter! But she behaves childish on small matters only, you already know. Still, this is not done! Who sends 'Its over' two days after deciding to get married? Whats going on in her mindless brain!

He needs to do something. He won't let his relationship of 2 years and 8 months vanish in thin air. He wont!  Its high time, he talked to his to-be BIL. He has helped him so many times,  he should return the favor!  He drove to AR. 

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