"Can't I get some help too?."
"No daddy! Like me, you need to learn how to clean!"

Xiao Zhan and Yixao snickers at Yibo. Xiao Zhan put Yixao down, and began to clean around downstairs. He went to the kitchen, since there were a lot of dirty plates and utensils.

" Your daddy can't wash plates after eating?"

Xiao Zhan looked into the sink and ONLY saw plates, cups, and utensils. If Yibo cooks, then there would have to be pots and pans. But none were seen.

"Yixao, I thought your daddy cooks for you."
"Daddy does! But It's always frozen so he microwaves first!"

Xiao Zhan Than dropped the spoons on the floor, shocked at what he just heard.

That stupid Wang Yibo! He's feeding a growing child microwaveable food?!"

Xiao Zhan sighs heavily, picking up the spoons. He'll talk to Yibo after they clean up.


"Wow! So clean."

Yixao exclaims, running around the whole living, Xiao Zhan smiles, but then looks up thinking about Yibo.

"Yixao, stay here and play while I go to your daddy."

Xiao Zhan walked upstairs,  already tired halfway. He pants as he lands on the top, he looks around and sees the clean halfway.

"Yibo-sshi... Where are you?"

His eyes then landed to the open door, as he heard a loud thud.

That must be the bathroom....

Xiao Zhan slowly opened the door, and stiffled a laugh. There, he saw Yibo on the floor, his clothes all wet, the shower head still running.

"Wow, I said to clean not to make more mess."

Yibo rolls his eyes, and slowly got up. Xiao Zhan closed the shower, and grabbed the mop.
But Yibo huffs, and grabs the mop from Xiao Zhan's hand.

"Are you done cleaning downstairs?"

"That's why I'm here to check up on you."
"Bet you didn’t even clean the rest of what I told you to clean."
"It’s hard cleaning the bathroom..."

"You just suck."

Xiao Zhan tries to take the mop from Yibo's hand, but Yibo just pulls back. Xiao Zhan rolls his eyes and tries to do it again.

"Let me do it! Just pick up the things that's on the floor."
"I can do this myself!"

"It's been two hours and you're still here! As if you can do it yourself! Give me the damn mop!"
"Go play with Yixao!"
"Ugh, stop being stubborn and let me help--

Xiao Zhan gasped as he felt himself slip. Yibo immediately threw the mop away and caught Xiao Zhan from falling and hitting his head on the wet floor.


Xiao Zhan felt something firm, but soft with his hands. He sat up, and paused realizing  what position he's in right right now.


Xiao Zhan blushed as he straddles Yibo, too embarrassed to even move. Yibo on the other hand gulps , feeling Xiao Zhan's ass on his lower abdomen.

So... Soft..... Fuck he has a nice ass.

Yibo's  hands unconsciously went over to Xiao Zhan's ass, and squeezed it hard making Xiao Zhan jump in surprise.

"Y... You..! What are you doing?"

Xiao Zhan got off  Yibo, still blushing as he glared at Yibo.

Yibo also stood up, staring at his hands that squeezed the plump ass. Now, he's confused🙄.

Did I just think a man's ass was nice and even squeezed it? Something's not right....

"I uh.. I'm sorry about that..."

"Tsh.. Whatever... You pervert!"

Xiao Zhan left the room, running downstairs. Yibo was still staring at his hands, opening and closing it. His eyes were showing desire, and excitement. The corners of his mouth twitched, a smirk slowly appearing.

"I... I wanna feel his ass again."


Every now and then, Xiao Zhan would come by the Wang's house and play with Yixao.  And while he's there, he makes sure to use Yixao as a shield.

Ever since the accident happened between the two adults, Yibo had began groping Xiao Zhan's ass whenever he can. Xiao Zhan only visits for Yixao , not the grown, perverted man.

Currently, Xiao Zhan's with Yixao in the living room, both on the floor laying on their stomachs. Yixao was too busy drawing, while Xiao Zhan was on guard for Yibo.

"Xabu look! I drew all of us!"

Yixao exclaims, showing Xiao Zhan's his amazing drawing.

"Oh~ that's so cute..?  Uh.. Yixao..
W- which one am I?"

Xiao Zhan asks, looking at the drawing. There was Yixao in between the two adults. But one adult was wearing dress.

"Xabu's the one wearing a dress."
"What? But why?"
"Because Xabu will be my mommy!"

Xiao Zhan stared at the kid flustered, and sat up. Shocked from hearing what the kid just said, he didn’t know what to say. He liked Yixao alot actually. But if he becomes a 'Mother' it mean... He would have to marry Wang Yibo.

And that's no no for Xabu.

"Uh..well... Your daddy and I.. Uh... I like your daddy... Ew... But-"

"You like daddy? You love daddy?!"
"What? No! I didn’t not say that!"

"You said you like my daddy! It means you're going to get married!"

"Ah.. No no! Wait--yes! I did say I like him! B- but not that way--"

"Daddy! Come down!"
"No! Don't call him!"

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