Chapter 22: Letting Go

Start from the beginning

"Miss me?"

"Gabriel?" I breathed out, disbelief coating my face before bitterness replaced it. "You stole my entrance, you son of a-"

"Now, now. Language, Miss Sanders." Shoving his hands into the pockets of his over sized leather jacket, he walked the rest of the way to my bar counter and jumped up to sit beside me. One hand ran through his floppy brown hair before settling behind him. "Does that mean I surprised you?"

Huffing out an annoyed breath, I shrugged. "Sure. Have you been following me since TV Land?"

Gabriel pursed his lips. "No." Pausing as if he needed to weigh out his words. "No, see you've made quite the name for yourself. The angel radio has been abuzz about the Anomaly that stood up to the Devil and almost won."

"Almost won?" I scoffed. "How about you try 'lasted-ten-seconds-before-being-thrown-into-a-tree' on for size."

The arch angel beside me shook his head, a small smile on his face that only served to confuse me. "Andrea, you don't get it."

"Then explain."

He chuckled at my bluntness. The sound was warm and for once, not condescending. "Your power settled on him. Somehow, someway, you got to the Devil. All of our lives, we've been told Michael was the only one who could do anything to stop Lucifer. We were told from day one exactly how all of this would end. Until you came in." My eyebrows furrowed as he widened his grin. "No one knew about you."

"I'm sure there are plenty of people in the world you winged weirdos don't know about." Crossing my arms, I was trying to make sense of everything. Does that mean witches couldn't hex the Devil? Would a pure blooded siren be able to do a better job? Nothing was making sense.

"That's the thing!" Excitement laced his voice as he attempted to explain. "We know about everyone that is meant to be in close quarters with the apocalypse. It's been preordained and sewn into our heads since the moment God turned on the lights. But you? You weren't supposed to exist! You're an Anomaly! A surprise blip that no one saw coming."

"Okay," I breathed, sliding off of the counter to get some space between us. "So not even God wanted me to exist. Thanks for the pep talk. What's that have to do with you? I thought you quit this whole thing. I thought you weren't taking sides."

Gabriel leaned forward, the grin slipping from his face and mixing with a touch of annoyance. "That's the thing. Very few monsters reproduce with humans. It's unheard of. So for you to be only a quarter siren? No one has ever faced something like you. That means no one knows what your capable of, or how you could change things."

"So your point is-"

"My point is, you could stop this whole apocalypse, Andrea. You could save the world." His bright eyes bore into mine with a new emotion he hadn't had before: hope. "We might be able to get out of all of this with a minimal number of casualties."

Pacing the room and pinching the bridge of my nose, I began to take deep calming breaths. "Listen," I told him slowly as if talking to a child. "That's great and all, but did you miss the part in the grapevine where I failed? I went up against the Devil and I came out on bottom. He unleashed the horsemen, and if it wasn't for Castiel, I'd be dead."

Gabriel shook his head. "That's why I'm here. You need practice. On a real live arch angel." He spread his arms wide as the cocky grin returned. "You're going to practice on me."

Of all the things I thought were going to happen today, this wasn't one of them. "So, what? You wanna be my Jedi Master or something?"

He shrugged. "Something like that, yeah."

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