Sokka: I guess that's why.

Xin Fu: Welcome to Earth Rumble 6. I am your host, Xin Fu.

Katara: This is just gonna be a bunch of guys chucking rocks at each other, isn't it?

Sokka: That's what I paid for.

Xin Fu: The rules are simple. Just knock the other guy out of the ring, and you win.

Xin Fu launches himself to his podium.

Xin Fu: Round one. The Boulder versus the Big Bad Hippo!

Boulder: Listen up, Hippo. You may be big, but you ain't bad. The Boulder's gonna win this in a landslide.

Hippo: Hippo mad!

Hippo stomps his left foot on the ground. Boulder sends a couple of rocks at Hippo. The rocks hit Hippo but there was no effect. There was a rock in Hippo's mouth and he chews it up and spits it out. Hippo jumps in the air as the ring moved side to side causing the Boulder to lose balance. Boulder quickly saves himself by catching himself at the edge of the ring and he shoots a rock at Hippo's back. Boulder lifts Hippo in the air with his earthbending and he throws him off the ring.

Xin Fu: The Boulder wins!

The crowd was cheering loudly.

Y/N: Huh, not bad.

Aang: Wait, you can see that?

Y/N: Yeah. I can see the color of people's souls.

Katara: Really? What's my color?

Y/N: White. To be honest everybody that I have seen or met has the same color as everyone else which is white. I've never met someone with a different color.

Aang: Cool. What do you think, Sokka?

Sokka: Ha ha! Wooo!

Xin Fu: Next match, the Boulder versus Fire Nation Man.

The crowd was booing as he was walking to the ring while waving the flag.

Sokka: Boo! Boo!

Fire Nation Man: Please do rise. For Fire Nation National Anthem. Fire Lord, my flame burns for thee!

The crowd was booing again and they started to throw rocks.

Sokka: Go back to the Fire Nation!

Sokka throws the rock at the Fire Nation Man's head. Boulder sinks him into the ground and he makes himself a pillar to send him in the air.

Fire Nation Man: No, no! Please!

Boulder jumps off and he lands on the ring as it sent the Fire Nation Man flying in the air and he lands on the boulder next to Sokka.

Sokka: Yeah! Wooo! The Boulder knows how to put the hurt in the dirt.

Y/N: Uh...

Katara: Ignore him.

Y/N, Aang, Katara, and Sokka would continue to watch the Boulder's matches as he would win every single one he fought against. Y/N started to get bored but Sokka kept screaming and cheering. Y/N was thinking about gagging Sokka to keep him quiet even though he had just met him.

Xin Fu: Now the moment you've all been waiting for. The Boulder versus your champion, the Blind Bandit!

Katara: She can't really be blind. It's just part of her character, right?

Aang: I think she is.

Sokka: I think she is... GOING DOWN!

Y/N looks at the girl to see her soul. Y/N's eyes were wide opened as he saw her soul in a different color.

The Blind Swordsman {Toph X Blind Male Reader}Where stories live. Discover now