Ten: Opening Night [ NEW! Season 1 Finale! ]

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A/N: what happens in this chapter is quite unrealistic, but I needed it to happen for the plot so,,,, pretend it's normal lmao

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A/N: what happens in this chapter is quite unrealistic, but I needed it to happen for the plot so,,,, pretend it's normal lmao.

ANYWAY, the important thing to remember here is that I'm using this chapter to see who's still interested in reading ( if you are, comment here ) and who isn't. Once I know, I will be making a second cast list as well as opening up forms for new students from the new school. ( I already have a few minion characters who won't be added to the cast, because they're non-datable and non-friendship - kind of like NPCs from a game. )

AND my original plan was to type out the entire musical, but after multiple depression spells, I no longer have the energy to do that, so that's why there's that random forced skip. Please, forgive me. ♥️ This chapter isn't that great to begin with, because I'm so excited to start fresh that I was just ready to be done with it.

"Celebrate endings, for they precede new beginnings."


"ALRIGHT, GUYS, THIS is our opening night", Poe said, gathering everyone together.

"It's our only night", Tyler reminded.

The blue eyed boy scowled at him, making a shush motion. "I am trying to be uplifting here. I was gonna have us join hands and everything." Poe grumbled under his breath. "I quit with you people."

"Well, I am gonna have us join hands", Nora smiled. Everyone groaned, but they did as told anyway. They weren't actually complaining as much as they wanted people to believe. "Dear God, or whoever is up there, I would just like to take this time and opportunity to thank you for providing me with my theater family and keeping us together. I hope that we'll continue to stick together, but even if we don't I hope that you'll continue to watch over each of us no matter what path we choose. But for now I ask that you grant us with strength and peace of mind as we get ready to take the stage for our first performance. Please, help us to be rid of nerves and do the best we can out there tonight and have no accidents. Amen. I love you guys."

Several awes went around before the group shared a group hug.

"Alright, places, everybody!", Emma shouted. "Curtains go up in five!"

"We have a problem!", Renée shouted. "Forrest is sick. Like... real sick."

Jane paused what she was doing to discover that yes, Forrest was sick. And not the nervous type sick either. To be fair, Moose had, like, one line. She would just need to replace him quick. "Dylan!"

The blue eyed boy in question jumped, dropping the flashlight he held. "Ma'am?"

"You're going on for Forrest."

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