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you know

most dreams i have are nightmares,
whether im asleep or daydreaming,
but not because of what they are.

they are you and me.
and they are lovely.

and they are beautiful.
just like us.

but what makes them nightmares is that moment right when i snap out of, and for half of a millisecond,
i forget that it was all a dream.

i look beside me on the couch
i look up at whatever im leaning on
i look down below the bridge and into the mud

and you arent there like you were just a moment ago.

and then i fall apart just for a minute or two.

if you look, you can see it happen in the way the smile
dissipates from my face for just a second.

or in the way im spacing out again.

or in the way i still look out my back door and in the direction of your house every single time i pass it.

or in the way i walk down to the creek every single morning at about 9:20 and pray you will be there.

but i know you wont.

idk if i can call this poetryWhere stories live. Discover now