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i cant be there to dry your tears anymore.
it will be like that for kind of a long time.

so you have to do it for me while im away,

dry your own tears with softness and understanding,
do not judge yourself or be embarrassed.

get dressed every morning in whatever outfit will make you feel best about you.

flirt with yourself a little. you deserve it. you know you are handsome and deserving. you had better know, because i remember how i used to remind you every day.
i cant do that anymore, so you have to do it for me. tell yourself that you look super hot in those jeans. tell yourself that the eggs you made for breakfast are delicious. tell yourself good things. imagine my voice saying it if you need to. but recognize that its really you telling yourself.

there are plenty of things you will have to do for me while im away.

i just hope maybe i changed you somehow.

even stupid things
like maybe when you make pancakes you throw in some cinnamon like how i used to,
or maybe you listen to some of the songs i showed you.

even just things like,
maybe you gained a little more confidence.

i dont know. i just hope that you stand a little taller and help yourself to heal when i cant be there.

you have to be the one to fix you.

hug yourself so tight that your broken pieces pull themselves back together.

im trying to do the same,
so you have to trust me.


you can do it.
i believe in you.

and i know,
deep down,
somewhere inside you,

you believe too.

idk if i can call this poetryWhere stories live. Discover now