Chapter Eight

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April 6th
Houston, TX
Beyoncé's POV

I sat next to Onika's hospital bed holding her hand hoping she wakes up

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I sat next to Onika's hospital bed holding her hand hoping she wakes up. Everyday she didn't wake up I got less and less confident she would.

I know I'm crazy, it's only been a week I should be more confident but something is making me doubt this whole situation.

I held Onika's hand tighter and let out a heavy sigh.

"Onika Tanya Maraj, I don't know if you'll hear me or if you'll remember me if you wake up" my voice cracked at the thought of her not remembering me.

"But I've always loved you and I always will, even when I was mad at you. One day I want to marry you, one day....very soon I want to ask you to be my day I want to have a family with you with a puppy and 10 kids...I want you to-"

I was cut off by a familiar voice. "Unless you're carrying them I'm not having 10 kids." Onika spoke smiling softly.

I laughed at her. "Really Nic, you just woke up and already disagreeing with me" She laughed with me and smiled. "Sooo, where's that puppy you wanted?"

"Nic worrying about getting better" I told her as she moved around in the bed. "I don't see why I need to be here, I could've stayed at home with you" She complained on and on about how she didn't want to be here.

"Middle school kids get beat up all the time and get concussions, but they stay home" The funny thing was she was being serious as hell. "Nika, there's a difference. You were in a coma with a concussion, they just have concussions"

"A coma is just me sleeping, I do that every night at home" "Onika, can you not complain for five seconds" she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "I'm hungry" I sighed and got up.

"No BB come hereeeee" she held her hands out like a five year old. "I have to tell the nurses you woke up." She shook her head no. "I'm going to fake being in a coma"

The nurse had opened the door and Onika quickly faked being sleep. "Nika wake up or I won't take you to get a puppy after this." She quickly sat up and said she was awake.

About five hours later she was coming home with me, somehow she convinced them to let her leave but I've learned better than to question it.

I let Onika open the door to reveal a puppy husky running towards her. "OH EM GEEEE" She squealed out and picked the puppy up like a baby.

I swear this girl can get hit by a car and she'd act like nothing happened. "His name is Roman I don't care what you say."

I shook my head in defeat, she has more energy than me. "Let's go" she grabbed my hand and walked me to the car forcing me in the drivers seat. "Nicki where the hell are we going?"

"Drive" was all she said as I sat there confused. "Ugh you're so slow, go to the pet store we're going to him clothes and a bed and food and treats" she went on and on until I parked at the nearest pet store.

She shopped for two hours making me go to three different stores. This dog is spoiled as hell.

"Wait Bey I need to go to Walmart!" Nicki shouted as soon as I turned on the street to my house.

"Oh my god Nicki" I quickly turned the car around and drove to Walmart. "I'm staying the car, go get what you need" she squealed and went to the store and came back an hour and a half later.

"What the hell did you get?" She showed me some dog ice cream, a dog bag, a dog tent tent and some other stuff. "Does the damn dog need this much stuff?" I asked looking back seeing the whole back seat packed with at least 3000 dollars worth of dog clothes, food, treats, toys, beds, and everything else you need for a dog.

She hummed and got in the passengers seat. As soon as we pulled into the parking lot she got out and ran inside leaving me to bring in all the bags.

I brought in the last bag seeing all the dog stuff scattered in the living room. Nicki busted out the bedroom with the dog in hand "look at him!" She smiled showing off Roman in a pink onesie and a pink collar.

I nodded and quickly remember the reservations I made for tonight. "Nic go get dressed we're going out to eat in an hour" she nodded and ran to the room to get dressed.

I grabbed her second surprise for the day and put in the pocket of the pants I was going to wear tonight as I went to get ready.


Onika's POV

The dinner went by fast, we ate and talked about nothing in particular seeing as we know mostly everything about each other.

Think about it she never brings up her parents...well I don't talk about my mother but Bey knows her pretty well.

"Bey, how come you don't talk about your parents?" She quickly looked away and sighed. "There's nothing to talk about when it comes to them." She shrugged and played with the scraps of her food.

She turned and faced me again and stared at me.

"Onika, I brought you here for a special reason and not to dwell on the past...I wanted to give you this" she sighed and pulled out a ring box. I gasped and covered my mouth.

"Nika stop, I'm not proposing...I'm promising" I gave her a confused look and she giggled lightly.

"I'm saying I want to be official with you, if you want to..." she fidgeted with her fingers.

"Okay I don't have a good way with words but I'm going to try. I'm really saying I want to be with you, not just for a couple months or years...I'm saying forever. I know this started as me being under your fathers rules but he isn't here anymore, he doesn't control me. I want to wake up to you every morning and go to sleep to you every night, I want to make us official, I want us to move in together with our new baby Roman, I want us to-"

"Bey stop" I interrupted. "Whatever you want, I want it to. I'll be your girlfriend forever and ever" I said dramatically as she smiled and leaned over the table to kiss me.

She slid the promise ring on my finger and paid the bill and we left. "When are you gonna move in?" She asked and I shrugged. "I dunno, I kind of always thought we always lived together since I've been sleeping here for the past three months."

She smiled and kissed my cheek. "We can get the rest of your stuff tomorrow and make it official" Bey insisted and I smiled assuring her this is what I wanted.

When we got back it was nearly 11PM, she took me to the park and we walked and sat for a few hours until we got tired.

"Goodnight Bey" "Goodnight Onika"

We cuddled in bed together with her being the big spoon as always. I started dozing off until I heard her speak again.

"I love you Onika Tanya Maraj"

I let out a quiet giggle and looked up at her.

"I love you more Beyoncé Giselle Knowles" I kissed her lips and went to sleep for real this time. But before I did I heard her say something else.

"You can only imagine"


Should I release the oneshot book next week or when this book almost done?

anywayssss hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, xoxoxo💘

Alsooo thanks for 100 votes💘

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