Chapter 13: Time flew by

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"Your magic has really become powerful ,Lady Lianna", said the mage Atticus.

"Thank you, Sir Atticus", said Lianna.

During the entire two years, Lianna diligently did her magic training. During her previous life, she only read books and did a few tricks but now she could feel her strong magic coursing through her body.

Not only magic, Lianna also learnt politics and enjoyed reading philosophical literature. She also enjoyed horse riding with Scarlette and even had her own horse.

Lianna was elated that she could learn the things she couldn't in her previous life. 

Scarlette didn't mind her learning new things as well. So she was quite happy about enhancing her abilities.

After practice she went to the kitchen to grab some food. The family members usually eat in the dining room while the servants eat in the kitchen after their masters finish their meal. Technically Lianna was a noble so she could just eat in her room but she liked eating with other servants, something she didn't experience before.

"Lady Lianna! Lord Kyle wants to see you", said a maid who came running to the kitchen.

Lianna quickly stuffed her mouth with the remaining pieces of chicken she was eating and rushed to Kyle's study.

Kyle was someone who Lianna still couldn't understand. He was still emotionless, quiet and easily misunderstood but he did treat Lianna a little bit nicer than before.

He was suspicious of Lianna at first but her diligent attitude changed his mind. He would often summon her to make him tea or help with the documentation since he didn't like doing paperwork.

"You called me my lord ?", asked Lianna as she entered the study.

"Make me some tea", he said quietly. He had his usual quiet demeanor but seemed to be in a good mood.

Lianna went to the tea table and started making some tea. 

For some reason Kyle always wanted Lianna to make the tea and not the maid. Maybe because Lianna was quite good at it. After all, tea making etiquette was included in her bridal training at the royal palace when she was still engaged to Christian.

That suddenly brought a sharp pain to Lianna's heart. She always avoided thinking about Christian or her previous life but that doesn't mean she didn't think about her revenge. It was her life goal to make Christian suffer.

She brought the tea she made to Kyle who was still busy reading the documents that was piled up on the table.

Kyle took a sip of the tea Lianna had made and immediately his eyes relaxed and he seemed to be at peace. 

Both the siblings were busy at their work. Scarlette took care of the administration of the northern territory while Kyle was in charge of the knighthood and the security of the people.

They were always submerged in endless work especially since Duke Rowan was in the capital overlooking the military of the kingdom.

Lianna had met Duke Rowan only once when he returned to the mansion to talk about Scarlette's engagement.

He was quiet but dignified and wasn't overbearing. He was definitely handsome though, with his tall stature and wavy black hair with shiny red eyes ,he looked exactly like a mature version of Kyle.

The siblings probably got their superior genes from their father. The three of them had the same black hair and red eyes. Then it struck Lianna that she never saw a single portrait of the late Duchess. 

"Um...", said Kyle with a cough to get Lianna's attention.

"Oh, yes my lord ?", said Lianna coming back to her senses.

"I heard Scarlette received a letter from the royal palace?", asked Kyle.

"Yes, Prince Tristan sent her a letter regarding their engagement", said Lianna.

"I see", said Kyle with a cold glare.

Kyle didn't like Scarlette's engagement to Tristan but he couldn't win against his sister. So whenever Tristan's name came up he was always in a bad mood.

"Are you going to the capital next week ?", asked Kyle.

"Yes, but aren't you coming too, my lord ?", Lianna asked tilting her head.

"Hmm.... do I have to ?", he said with a reluctant look on his face.

Lianna giggled and said,"You must my lord. It is Lady Scarlette's engagement after all".

"Hmm....", he grumbled.

Somehow the distance between Lianna and Kyle decreased and Kyle looked comfortable as well. He even would give a small smile now and then after drinking Lianna's tea.

'Time does fly by, huh ?', thought Lianna.

It was just like yesterday when Lianna came to the Rowan mansion and had become Scarlette's servant.

Now Lianna felt at ease with everybody else and was comfortable living with the Rowan household. It was like Lianna had finally found her place.

But she knew that she should not get comfortable just yet. 

The start of the devil's path starts at the engagement party and Lianna knew that once she starts walking down that hellish path, there was no turning back.

End of chapter 13.

Thank you for reading this book up until now and hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

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Do look forward to the next chapter, chapter 14: Beauty is pain.

And check out my new books : "The lady butler and her handsome master" , "Behind the starlight"and "As sweet as a lemonade" !

See you guys next time!

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