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Name: Sasha

Species: weasel

Gender: female

Eye Color: hot pink

Fur Color: light brown and dark brown

Nicknames: none for now

Status: Alive

Residence(s): The Herd Valley

Family: none

Voiced by: Edin Espinosa (Cassandra from the Tangled the Series)

Friends: Ramous, Kali, Kwatak

Enemies: The Herd, Scavenger Pack, Aspik


The expert trapper among the Rouges, Sasha is skilled and focus and does not tolerant obstacles or annoying distractions.


Ramous's trapper, Sasha pushes herself to hunt and trap animals five times larger than her but it gets more challenging with the Herd.

Sasha at some point was recruited by Ramous for her impressive trapping skills, especially with taking down much larger animals.

Personality and Traits:

Sasha is a cunning and calculating weasel who is also no nonsense and doesn't tolerant anything annoying.

She has a dry sense of humor and can be sarcastic. She doesn't like sharing her feelings with anyone even her pack. Sasha loves to prove herself as a worthy huntress and master trapper, being proud of taking down larger animals.


Trapping: Sasha can create various types of traps, especially for much larger animals. Even if a prey escapes, she can tell what animal was in the trap

Rescourcefulness - Sasha makes use of her surroundings and the environment to make her traps, especially if it's for much larger animals. She also uses other items to her advantage

Archery - she is a skilled archer


Sasha is a weasel with hot pink eyes. She has three claw mark scars on her right eye

She has the same fur color as Buck except she has dark brown fur on her ears, paws, muzzle, a scruff of fur on her head and tail.

She has green leaf armbands and a vine slinged on her shoulder which connects to a vine belt which has different items attached like her arrows.


- Sasha's origins will be revealed in one of my upcoming episodes. It's actually similar to another character among the Herd

- Sasha will sometimes help Ramous and Kali in their hunts by using her traps to slow down or catch prey

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