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Name: Tackle

Voiced by: Amber May (Yanqing from Honkai Impact)

Species: Saber-Tooth Tiger

Gender: Male

Nicknames: Little T (Julian), Tackler(Jake), the Tacklerster, furball, One Tooth (Ramous)

Status: Alive

Home: The Herd Valley

Affilations: The Herd, the Fearless Protectors (founder)

Family: Diego (father),Shira (mother),Diego's dad (grandfather)

Likes: butterflies, his family,  exploring, adventuring, swimming, sledding in the snow

Dislikes: danger, his family in trouble, getting grounded in the den, bears


Diego and Shira's spunky cub, Tackle teams up with the Herd for fun and adventure as they explore the island and face off new bad guys.

Tackle is the leader of his own group, the Fearless Protectors, alongside Vibe and Kiko who help the Herd protect the island.


Tackle has always enjoyed the stories of the Herd's adventures and has always dreamed of being part of one, he's small but he's also fast!

After the events of Collison Course, Diego and Shira had a cub. They named him Tackle because of his habit of pouncing on things from the day he was born. Tackle spent his first few days with his parents only at the den until he was old enough to meet the Herd.


A small saber cub, Tackle inherits his mom's silver gray fur with white on his face, paws, inside of his ears, stomach and the tip of his tail. He has a white spot on his ears which are black. Tackle has orange brown stripes and is hetrochromic. One eye is blue and the other is green

In "Back on Ice", he loses his right tooth after activating an asteroid to save the herd.


Tackle is playful, curious, caring, helpful and sometimes mischievous.

Tackle can be brave up to the point where he will stand up against foes despite being a cub. He will face off against anyone who wants to harm him and his close ones.

Tackle is very adventurous. He is sweet and smart. He is very loving, caring deeply for his family and friends.


Speed: he's very fast and quick

Climbing: he's a good climber

Swimming: he knows how to swim

Claws: can use his claws for defense, scratching, climbing, etc


-Before, Tackle's name was gonna be Danny

-Tackle is based on a Bengal tiger cub

- He's the second member of the Herd to be one of the trio's kids, the first being Peaches

-When he's excited, his tail wags fast

-Tackle is another word for pounce

-he is afraid of bears(phobia)

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