Shoto x Reader (College AU)

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We got a lot done thus afternoon. We decided to go with my stuffed animal idea and started to seperate our budget on a pie chart.

After yesterday I found out some things about Todoroki. He's nice, smarter than I thought, and surprisingly, he really really hates his father. So whenever someone came up to him and noticed that he was related to Enji Todoroki, I tried to redirect the conversation to get his mind off of it.

We also work so well together. Great now I'm sounding like one of his fan girls from class. I packed my stuff up in the library and got ready to leave when Todoroki grasped my shoulder. "Hey, I had fun yesterday. Do you want to umm, go to the park?"

"Umm, sure." I smiled at him. And for a moment I thought that I saw a little pink on his cheeks. And with that, we went to the park.

The park was so much fun! We also got a little more studying in for our business classes. And maybe I fell asleep on his shoulder at the park yesterday. It was a tiny bit embarrassing, but also nice.

The sad thing is that our project is almost done. Maybe we could be friends out of this project. "Hey (l/n). Are you paying attention?"

"Yes. Sorry Todoroki, kind of dazed off."

"It's okay, so let's go over the budget just one more time before the week is done." I nod as he brings up the pie chart on my computer. He starts talking about the percentages as I just stare and think about how I could talk to him about maybe being friends.

After he's done we both pack our stuff up. "Hey Todoroki, can I talk to you about something?"

"Sure (l/n)."

"I know this is very off topic to our project, but do you want to be friends? Like friend friends out of college?"

"Of course (l/n). Granted I thought you knew we were friends." He explains in monotone voice as he tilted his head.

So cute~ I mean umm. Nevermind. "Oh, well that's a little embarrasssing. I just thought you were only going to be my friend while we worked on this project." I scratched my head.

"Oh, sorry if you thought that. But you're really fun to be around." He gives me a small smile.

It's been one whole school week. Still have two days to finish up the project. Granted Todoroki and I are already done. So we decided to just go to the book store and grab some books for next semester.

But I wasn't expecting him to grab an audience. Although I should've remembered that he is the son and heir to a successful business man.

Right when we walked back into the store everyone knew him. We got completely crowded as I was shoved to the ground a few feet away from Todoroki. He instantly noticed it and moved a few people out of the way to get to me. "Are you okay (l/n)?" He offered me his hand.

I took it as I sat up and replied. "Yes, I'm fine Todoroki. Just a few scratches on my elbow."

"Hey, let's get out of here."

After the whole book store incident we decided to just not really go to a public place. So Todoroki invited me over to his house to go over the project one more time with his sister as an audience.

"And that is why we had chosen to sell stuffed animals to the child and or man child consumer." Fuyumi, Todoroki's sister clapped.

"I thought that was a very great presentation you two! Now let me go get you something to eat!" And with that she walked towards what I presume is the kitchen.

"That felt great!" I smiled while he nodded.

Then I heard the front door open. Right then I saw a tall man walk in. "Oh, Shoto. You have someone over. How nice..." He said in a very condescending voice. That's Enji Todoroki.

But before I said anything Todoroki brought me close to him by the waist. "I suggest you get out of here."

"What, why?"

"I'll explain tomorrow. Just go." I nodded as I grabbed my stuff and left.

Back at the college we just finished our presentation. When we walked out of the classroom Todoroki dragged me over to talk to me.

"Sorry about yesterday. My father is, difficult. I just didn't want you to around to be around to have to witness it."

"I get it Todo-"

"Shoto. Just call me Shoto. We're friends, aren't we."

"Yeah. Of course."

"I had fun this past week. Thanks for the fun times, and I hope you'll accompany me for many more in the future." Shoto then bent down a bit and kissed me on the cheek. "See you at the park tomorrow." And he just left me there and walked away.

1542 Words

I hope you enjoyed the first AU in the book. I hope it was okay. If you want to request an AU or one shot idea don't be afraid to request it on the request page and the request page only. It helps me keep track of things a lot better. Anyways stay safe and have a great day! 

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