Chapter 2: The Seal and The Heir

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??? POV

We see Kaguya sat on a chair across from Naruto explaining to him what it meant to be the heir of the Ōtsutsuki clan and how the clan went about dimensions to gather power.

"So Kaguya, why does Zetsu-nii call you mother" asked Naruto

"That is because he is a culmination of my will and I created him" replied Kaguya

"Young Naruto, Mother the sealing table is ready" Stated Hamura as he entered the room

Naruto POV

I was lay on a table waiting for the sealing ritual to begin when suddenly I look to the side and see Zetsu-nii sat there with a look of betrayal.

"Zetsu-nii did you hear? Kaguya is making me her heir." I said hoping Zetsu would understand.

"Ah, I see I always wondered why I, as mother's will was drawn to you, a Jinchuriki of all people." Zetsu-nii said much to my shock.

Zetsu then disappeared into the ground as Hamura and Kaguya entered the room.

Suddenly, Hamura went through a few hand signs then placed on hand on my stomach and the other on Kaguya's head.

I began to slowly go in and out of consciousness...

Hiruzen POV

I looked up at the moon wondering where Naruto is, it's been 3 hours since he disappeared 'where are you Naruto?'

"Lord Third, Naruto will be alright, I'm sure he's just hiding from the villagers" Iruka said with a look that betrayed his words

"We will see..." I replied with a indifferent tone "Iruka, I am going to tell you and SS Ranked Secret, this may help you better understand Naruto."

"OK......" Iruka trailed off.

"Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze Uchiha Senju, is Naruto's true name, as such he has a claim to not only the entire village, but a long forget clan of which all clans descended from... The Ōtsutsuki Clan, the clan of gods, the clan of which the Sage of Six Paths hailed from."

(Bang) that was the sound that caused the whole village to look at the moon, the closer you look, the more you notice that it's brightness is fading.

"What the hell are is happening?" Iruka shouted in shock.

"Iruka calm down, but I don't know." I said trying to remain calm myself.

Naruto POV- 8 years later

Today is the day...
The day I Naru Ōtsutsuki return...

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