Apprentice Wizard AU ~ DaiSuga

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Ship: DaiSuga - Sawamura Daichi x Sugawara Koushi
Side Ships: none
Category: Fantasy, Fluff
Inspiration: This picture I saw on Pinterest and mind of a book I read when I was a child
Suggested song: none
Words: 1753


"Can I do anything else for you?" Daichi asked, after he had given the old sorceress what she needed. "No, dear, that was it" she answered. "That would be three gold ducats" the salesman said. "Here you are, young man, thank you" she left the little shop.

The young merchant sat down behind the counter and thoughtlessly started to whistle a melody. As the door opened again the little bells chimed and he lifted his head. Instantly his heart began to race. It was the young wizard, Sugawara Koushi who was the apprentice of Ukai Keishin. The ash blonde boy looked around in the shop, his eyes not meeting Daichi even once. The seller took a deep breath, before he stood up again. "A-are you looking for something particular?" He shyly asked. Now finally the sorcerer directed his attention to him. "Ah- yes, actually I'm running out of special-herbs. The moonshine-fern... you don't have that here by any chance?" He answered. "Uh- I'm not sure... i'll see what I can find in stock, if you wait here a minute" Daichi kindly offered, before he already rushed off.

He returned about seven minutes later. "I'm sorry" he huffed and sheepishly ruffled the hair on the back of his head. "But moonshine-fern is very rare. I can ask my aunt if she has some and I'll let you know if she does" "that would ne very great, Daichi-san. I know it's very special, but I need it for my next spell..." the apprentice answered. "Do you need anything else?" "No. That was everything for now... thank you, and sorry for wasting your time" he smiled bleakly and turned to the door. "Sugawara-san! Don't be gloomy!" Daichi gently commanded. "I'll bring you some by the end if this week, I promise!" "Please, call me Suga" the wizard said and opened the door, causing the bells to chime again. "But... you don't have to do that, it's not that important"

~ Time skip brought to you by Ukai's headband ~

The Saturday night was full moon. The only time when the moonshine-fern speared. Daichi had decided to get some, for his beloved wizard. For that he had to go to the highlander mountains in the very north outside of his village. He set out right before sunrise and headed towards north. Even though he had stamina, walking and climbing the whole day made even him tired. But he didn't dare to rest, he was too scared to miss the right moment to harvest. For doing that he only had a small lapse of time. The fern field was located on a little plateau. From there you can see a little fissure gaping in the massif. The right moment to harvest the herbs was the short time when the full moon shone it's magical light through the gap on the field. To even get to the field, Daichi gad to climb up the rock face.

Panting heavily and out of breath he finally stood on the plateau. His hands sore and bloody, but he didn't care. All that mattered for him was, that he was just in time. A little part of the moonlight already fell on the fields. He patiently waited for the whole moon to appear. As it finally did, he gently started to harvest the magical glowing plants. He took with him as much as he could in the given time.

And as soon as the moon started to get covered by the rocks again, he stopped and sat down. He hadn't had taken a recess for the whole day. But he also had promised to bring Suga the herbs before the end of this week. And now it was already past midnight and therefore Sunday. He had to hurry, if he didn't want to yank him out of his sleep.

Daichi pulled himself together and started to climb down the hill. Once he was almost at the bottom again, he had to overcome a very dicey prt. The rock face was pretty even and it wasn't easy to find spots to put his hands and feet. His foot slipped off. With everything he had, he tried to clutch himself on the rock with his hands and arms, until he found a new spot to put his foot. but didn't have enough strength in his arms to hold himself anymore. He crashed down about two meters to the ground.

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