Chapter 3 - first day at the U.A

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y/n's pov

After a week that I passed entrance exam, tomorrow is the first day at U.A.
I'm kind of excited. I have to wait and see what future is holding for me...

Tomorrow at the U.A

Ok this place is really big. How do I find my class now?
After a fooling around a bit, I finally found my class. Class A.
I entered the room and saw Izuku. I wanted to go and greet him but I saw something that made me stop. That girl again...what was her name? Jiro? Yeah right...jiro.
I walked up to her "hi" I said with a smile
"Oh, hi y/n, it's so good to see you again"
"Yeah...good to see you too...hey...umm...can we meet after school?" Wait what? What did I just say! Isn't it too soon for a date? What if she think that I'm a weirdo..?
"Umm...sure...I think I can" she said with a thoughtful face.
Ok what? She just accepted that? That is awesome! "So...can we meet at the park close here at 5:00 pm?" I asked.
"Sure, we'll meet there!" She said with a smile. Then Mr. Aizama showed up and then we went outside for some kind of physical tests.
First was a ball throwing test.
Ok it's my turn. I grabbed the ball and I made my self ready. The moment I thrown the ball, I made a click and blown the ball to a really far distance.
"723 meters" Mr. Aizawa said. "Wow that's crazy" I could here other students saying. The rest of the test was also good and the time for us to go home came sooner than I thought.
I can't wait till 5:00 so I can meet jiro.
Ok I still have a lot of time to get ready for that.

Few hours later

Ok it's time.
I wear my blue jeans with a neat blue shirt. I role up the sleeves and wear my black watch, brush my hair and use a little perfume. "Huh....I can't get any more handsome" I smiled at myself in the mirror proudly. Ok it's time to go now...


Hope you liked it.
don't miss the next chapter!

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