Chapter 2 - special exam

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y/n's POV

I walked towards the U.A highschool looking forward for the entrance exam.
Then I saw a familiar person, it was Izuku but.... He... Was floating in the... Air..?
Then I saw a girl with brown hair beside him helping him get on the ground. After the girl left him, I walked to Izuku and started a normal friendly conversation with him. After a few seconds, we were at a huge room with a huge monitor. We found two empty sits away from each other so our path was separated. Then I saw a very special person;
The voice hero: present mic
My idol. The hero I admire the most.
"Are you ready?" Present mic said loudly. "Yeaaaaahhhh" I said loudly.
"Good, that's some spirit young student" present mic said pointing at me.
Huh..? Now everyone is stareing at me. That's a little awkward now.
Then present mic continued and explainer the exam and that we will be on different battle centers. Then he talked about the points we need to get in order to pass the exam.

[You probably know the rest]

Time skip to the battle center

Hmm...this place is huge. It's like complete city itself.
I was deeply in my thoughts and I didn't realize that everyone is already running towards the area.
I started to run like others.
Well...Izuku is not here. He's probably in another battle center.
Then dark green robots appeared.
That's it; my points are already here.
I aimed my right hand's fist at a robot that was close to me, then I activated the clicker on my forearm.


A single small click and then suddenly...


A real loud gunshot like sound came out from my fist with a powerful force that crashed the robot.
I continued on getting points but then...I saw someone...
"What...? What is this feeling...? Could it be...?"
I saw a girl with dark purple hair and a black jacket just like with something hanging from her ears. It was hard to say what they were from this distance but...she just looks...perfect.
I was captured by her beauty and perfection but I snapped out of it when the earth started to shake.
A huge robot bigger that the buildings showed up.
The zero point...
Everyone started to run away from it. I decided to do the same but then I saw something shocking...
The girl that I thought to be my soulmate, was stuck under big shattered pieces of a building. Time was frozen that time.
What should I do now?
Well...of course. I have to do what heroes do right? Right.
The big robot was getting closer to her so I started running towards the danger without being sure if I can survive or not. My heart was beating so fast like it wanted to run away itself.
I used my legs clickers and made a powerful jump using the sound.
I jumped as high as where the robot's chest was. Then I aimed with my both arms and legs toward the robot and made rapid clicks.
Like an AK47,powerful shocks made a hole in the robot's chest. The robot fell to its back and made me feel relieved but not for so long. Yeah right, I was falling down fast but it didn't took me long to figure out a way to land safely.
I just made a normal standing pose in the air and activated all of my clickers and used the sound force to land slowly (just like iron man but much louder). Everyone was shocked and couldn't believe what they just saw. I went towards that girl and helped her.
"Thank saved my life" she said. I blushed and looked down but my confidence came back. "Ah no need to thank me. We are future heroes right? We should practice on saving peoples life as well" I said with a smile. "Yeah your right" she said while putting her hand behind her head. Then there was a few seconds of awkward silence between us until I broke the silence. "So...i'm y/n. What's your name?"
"Oh...i'm jiro kyoka. Nice to meet you and thanks for saving me again" she said with cute expressions. "Awww so cute." I said in my mind. "Nah it's fine. I told you that there's no need to thank me"
"Time's up" present mic said.
"Ok, see you later y/n" she said while walking away and waving her hand.
"Sure, see you around" I said waving her back.
When everyone was leaving, I could here whispers talking about a guy with green hair who destroyed a zero point as well but was injured so badly.
Wait a that I see, Izuku is not around here. Could it be him? Hmm...I dont know but i'll call him later.
And I started leaving the U.A walking back to home.
It was an exciting day after all and I wanna rest so badly. And I kept walking thinking about the girl I met today...

Hope you liked this one
Don't miss the next chapter!

Love beat (Jiro x male reader) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon