I've been walking for ages! But I still can't see the river..

She wasn't joking when she had been walking for what felt like hours. The sun no longer shined so bright and from the cracks in between the leaves of the trees she can see shades of orange & yellow paint the sky. The forest became colder, making her teeth chatter loudly. The shadows were not as dark as it was but since the sun is slowly dissappearing the forest is loosing its source of light, making the whole area dark instead.

I should have just stayed behind, now I don't know where I am.

She dragged herself on, trying to look for somewhere to rest instead of finding her way home. The sky has fully washed out the beautiful colors and was replaced with  dark blue, other various shades of blue staining the heavens as well, making hundreds of stars stand out. A half circle of white took the sun's place in the sky, illuminating the forest.

Silverkit was about to just lie down and call the grass a bed till she saw a clearing in the distance. And a gray thing that looked like a very big stone was the only thing there, with a dark hole in the middle.

It's a den!

She ran as fast as her tired legs can take her, her icy blue eyes gleamed with hope that she will be safe for the night.

She did not realize that she had left the pine forest and into unknown territory. The clouds covered the moon, maybe it was Starclan that tried to avoid her from coming there. It was too dark and Silverkit stopped in her tracks, not daring to move forward till she can clearly see.




The sudden noises were followed by a really loud 'yelp'. A deadly crunching sound made Silverkit jump almost a tail length or two high in the air. She arched her back, tail puffed up as well as her pelt, making the kit look double in size. She let out a warning hiss at the direction of the sounds. Her iris was wide, claws are unsheathed and her teeth were bared.

"Who are you?!" She snarled "Come out and show yourself."

Taking only a few steps forward, she was ready to swipe and make a run back to the forest. The scent was very unusual and Silverkit did not know what the thing was and whether it was harmful or not.

That is what scared her.

The clouds moved slowly, only revealing a part of the moon. It was still dim but her eyes adjusted to the dark because of her ShadowClan trait, she sees a fluffy tail moving side to side.

So it was an animal. But what kind?

She cautiously went around it, making sure she kept a safe distance to the creature. It jerked suddenly and violently, making her back off. It jerked again but seemed to be rooted in place.

She felt a hot breath fan her muzzle, meaning that she was face to face with it. The scent of rabbit was on its breath, meaning it had caught it as prey not so long ago.

Maybe it's a cat. Lionstripe is big, but not as big as this..but it also eats rabbit, so its a cat.

Silverkit stupidly touched noses with the 'cat', its nose was dry and cold "Don't worry," she mewed softly "I'm here.."

She waited for time to pass by, for the clouds to remove themselves off the moon. She sat down in front of her companion, no longer flinching when it jerked or growled.

This cat has a weird growl.. She thought. It's loud and scary, I hope my mentor teaches me this.

She used a paw to caress the cat's muzzle, only to feel it being large and long.

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