》Chapter 04《

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The Forest Was Big.

All three kits squealed in delight as they leapt onto every rock and squeezed throught every hollows of the pine trees. Silverkit trailed at the back as time passed, no longer feeling enthusiastic when she realized that they were far from the camp walls that were no longer can be seen from where they were, but then because she was so slow Minnowkit pushed her ahead. But instead of going forward, she gets pushed to the ground.

"Oof, what was that for?!" The silver kit hissed.

"Sorry," she apologized "you were too slow."

"I don't feel comfortable out here.." Silverkit admitted, her back fur bristling in fear. "Maybe we should go back to the nu--"

"Absolutely not!" Salmonkit cutted her off. "We finally got a chance to see the forest so that we can learn the places before we're apprentices and now you're chickening out."

"What's a chicken?" Minnowkit looked at her brother.

He let out an amused yet intentional teasing grin "Midnight told me that chickens are big birds who can't fly. They jump and scream at whatever surprises them, they're cowards." he chuckled.

Silverkit's fur bristled even more, her teeth bared in anger "I'm not a coward.." she hissed.

He just waved her off with his tail, looking at Minnowkit "Where do you think is the river?"

Minnowkit looked around the trees, trying to find a well walked on path "Plumppelt said it should be North of here. So, we go North."

"Which is where?"

The silver-gray she-kit pointed with her tail the path ahead. "Well, we are facing this way, which means North is ahead."

Salmonkit had a playful smile to Minnowkit "let's see who the bravest is to whoever gets to the river first."

I'm brave, look at me Salmonkit! Silverkit felt anger bubble within her when her brother ignored the mews from behind.

I'll show you who's brave..

Crouching low, she bunched her muscles, waggled her haunches, as if she were doing a Thunderclan hunting crouch. With a high leap, her legs felt energetic, when paws hit the grassy forest floor, claws gripped at the earth as she pulled them towards her, gaining a boost of speed.

"Silverkit, don't..wait!!" Salmonkit's panicked yowl came from behind but was drowned by the sound of her thundering paws and the soft breeze she whizzed past.

In just a blink of an eye, she was far ahead, dissappearing into the distance..




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Silverkit Started Regretting Her Decision.

Pine trees were so many in this area, all of them seeming to be closing in on each other, blocking the sunlight. Birds have ceased from singing their songs, the silence was too loud in this area.

No twigs were on the forest floor, her white fluffy paws were as silent as a hunting patrol even if she wasn't trying. The forest seemed to go on forever! This did not boost her positivity.

Rabbitheart's Lies {Warriors}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz