"She kept slapping him with her paws," Claweye added. "We've never seen a warrior that looked both scared and annoyed at the same time.

"Haha, okay that's enough." Dirtfur stood up and blocked  Claweye's mouth with his tail.

"I wanna hear more," Minnowkit reasoned. Plumpelt smiled at her.

"Well, when Midnight realized we were no threat..for now that is, she took one final leap from the shadows until we realized she came barreling to him. He was pinned down hard, he even let out a whimper. The fact that Midnight's size back then was the size of an apprentice." Plumpelt laughed.

"How did Midnight join ShadowClan?" Silverkit asked.

"That's the most memorable part I know" Midnight smiled warmly when Claweye meowed, looking at her. "She got off Dirtfur when a soft mewling sound came from a tree. There, a little black fluff ball crawled on the grass, fur as black as his mother's. Turns out, she was really in our territory because she had seen a clan that walks in the shadows in a vision, and wanted a life for her kit that had cats who cared. She had came from the moonpool where a twoleg had caught them in their home and took her there with her kit to get caught by wolves or mountain lions."

"That's cruel. That's why I never like Twolegs." Minnowkit scrunched her nose in disgust of the furless creatures.

"There's a good thing in what had happened though." Midnight drew the moonpool and made little dots that she soon connected, and had created cat constellations. "I was thirsty and had little to feed Nightpelt back then so I drank the water that reflected the stars. At first I lost consciousness, and then flashes of different cats in different times appeared, I was in memories of these past events. I had also been in a forest of pine, where cats hid in the shadows, when I hid with them I realized that my fur and skills were purrfect for this. A cat with fur as dark as me then approached me when I was in a pine forest. She had told me all about ShadowClan and its location, as if she wanted me to be there."

She gestured to the den with all of them and smiled. "Here I am, content and happy, proud to be a ShadowClan cat."

Dirtfur plopped down back on his nest, seeing that the story was over. "I won't deny it, but Midnight is one of the best warriors we have. She really is one of the reasons why ShadowClan is strong."

Silverkit noticed Midnight who was surprised at the sudden praise of the tom. Her ears flattened against her head as she gave him a shy smile.


He rolled his eyes yet smiled as well, "No problem, Blackie.."

Plumpelt and Claweye groaned at the sudden sweetness of the non annoyed tom. The two cats were called by the leader so they left the den.

Silverkit was confused, "I don't get it."

Plumpelt shrugged "That's a teasing nickname they gave each other, I'm surprised Dirtfur did not snap at her."




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The Kits Asked About The Forest.

"Well, besides the trees there would be a river by the east side of the territory, and a river to the north." Plumpelt drew on the sand-like dirt with a claw the outline of the forest. Silverkit looked carefully to see every place.

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