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They kept their love to themselves a little longer. They didn't want people suddenly paying attention to if and when they were alone. Besides, Charlotte finally thought that he hadn't officially asked her yet. But he had permission. In the letter from her parents, which they had agreed to with joy, he had asked her father's permission to court Charlotte and ask her for her hand.

Charlotte had missed him for the few days he was travelling to London again, in order to get the papers. Grumpy and she walked the usual routes, sometimes alone, but usually accompanied by Georgiana or the children. When she was actually in her room to write a letter to her family, she wandered around and looked out of the window at the street. She saw him coming towards the Trafalgar house and their eyes met briefly as he looked up. The smile of both would have been enough proof of their affection for each other, but the urgent desire to be close and to find each other as soon as possible was even stronger.

But Tom had immediately secured Sidney's attention, as soon as he had come through the door. Sidney was about to tell Tom about his plans for Charlotte when he started talking about whether Sidney could come back to the banks. But they were interrupted by Charlotte's arrival. In order to stabilize for a moment to see her, Sidney had to look away for a moment. He would have loved to run towards her, but did not want to do so in front of Tom. She was enchanting in her white dress with the light blue dots, the fabric rustling with every little movement. She looked like the sea breeze itself.

Since Tom was still within earshot in the hall, they formally greeted each other.

"Mr Parker."

"Miss Heywood."

"I suppose you're here for the cricket?"

"Making some assumptions again, Miss Heywood?" he grinned at her. Charlotte turned slightly to the hall to make sure no one would come, and when she looked back at Sidney, he was standing right in front of her.


His hands searched for hers and while her fingers were still intertwined he bent down to her and kissed her lightly on the lips. Surprised, she gasped for breath.

"I'm sorry."

She grinned, but his words assured her just the opposite. Her gaze sought his and when she was sure she had his attention, she raised his hand to her cheek and snuggled up to it. Her cheek glowed and Sidney stroked tenderly over it until she closed her eyes in the sensation of his rough fingers stroking the delicate skin of her neck. It was only when she lost herself even more in the sensation that he noticed the chain around her narrow neck. Carefully and incredulously he followed the silver filigree band with one finger. Charlotte's breath accelerated as he followed the chain further and further.

Completely shocked by what he was doing, he faltered in his movement, but still couldn't take his hand and look away from her. The ruffled neckline of her dress tickled slightly on his finger, under which the chain disappeared. He could only guess where the amulet rested. The deeper meaning that his heart was very close to hers made him almost lightheaded.

Only when Charlotte raised her face and opened her dreamy eyes did he snap out of his paralysis. As fast as he pressed his lips onto hers, she couldn't react at all and had to claw at him, otherwise she would probably have fallen backwards. Sidney thought of a better way and took the strength out of his kiss, he released himself slightly from her, but immediately pressed his mouth back onto hers. Her little hand, which had been holding on to his arm, now stroked up slowly until it reached his neck over his broad shoulders. Slowly Charlotte stroked it until she managed to get under his tie. The burning sensation of her fingers on this sensitive skin made him gasp for breath.

A carriage ride trough WillingdenWhere stories live. Discover now