He resist her gaze and bowed to her and Miss Clara, but stopped at the door when an elegant blond gentleman and a beautiful redheaded young lady entered the room.

"Oh, Sidney, old friend." 

Sir Denham turned to Sidney and they greeted each other friendly. The gentleman stopped then when he saw Charlotte and stalked her with a look that made her instantly uncomfortable.

"Enchanted to make your acquaintance," he said in a greasy tone, and Sidney rolled his eyes behind him, making Charlotte smile.

"Oh, now I see..." 

Sir Denham looked again at Charlotte and then at Sidney and patted him on the shoulder before hurrying to his aunt. The beautiful young woman at his side walked gracefully behind him. Since the words of Edward Denham, Sidney stood at the door somewhat embarrassed, but then decided to leave when Charlotte was pulled back onto the sofa by Miss Clara and involved in a conversation about Seabathing.

Sidney of course kept coming back to Trafalgar House, it was to discuss business with Tom, have tea with the family and have dinner. And each time he offered to take Grumpy for a walk and each time she let him pick up the puppy and bring it back later. Sometimes he was wet because he was swimming in the sea, sometimes dirty because he had rubbed himself in the dirt, and sometimes both. The morning before the evening ball he was so dirty that Charlotte decided to give him a bath. She was allowed to do it in the small garden near the kitchen in a wash bowl. Of course, Grumpy was not thrilled about being dipped in the warm water and truly being washed with soap. He kept trying to run away and Charlotte laughed so heart-rendingly wonderful every time that Sidney, who was about to steal some of the cook's delicious bread in the kitchen, stopped and sucked in the scene in front of him.

His heart seemed to swell to three times its size when he saw her playing with the little dog and she didn't care to be splashed by him with the already dirty water. For a brief moment Sidney allowed it to happen......in his imagination he replaced Grumpy with a little child. His child. The heart that had been beating so excited in his chest slowed down and the whole room seemed to disappear. All he saw was Charlotte. Her hair in wild curls buzzing around her head, her face lit up by an inner glow, chasing Grumpy as he jumped out of the bowl again. Knowledge pervaded him. Tears tickled his eyes. A feeling of warmth inside. The knowledge consciously and indelibly burned into his brain. He did not know this feeling, but ten years ago he had felt something similar and it had almost destroyed him.

Frozen in his movement, he saw Charlotte captured Grumpy and press him against her. She looked up and their eyes locked. She made a welcoming move and he couldn't resist and went to them.

"Miss Heywood."

"Mr Parker, perhaps you could help me?"

"Of course."

Grumpy became restless in Charlotte's arms and before he could escape again Sidney grabbed him by the neck and put him in the bowl. He held him tight and although the little guy was whimpering, Charlotte was finally able to wash him properly. She soaped up his dirty fur. And tried to loosen the solid lumps of earth as gently as possible. They were both crouched next to each other and her arm grazed his. Their finger touched accidentaly.

"Sorry you have so much work to do with him." Sidney tried to make conversation.

"I don't mind."

"Yes, but it's my fault..."

"That's right Mr Parker, you really shouldn't allow him to play in the dirt."

She smiled at him. Sidney tried to defend himself in a playful tone.

"He's quite stubborn when it comes to what he wants."

"I can't resist him either..." she mumbled.

Charlotte looked up at him and suddenly the density of the air around them changed. Her smile disappeared and Sidney's hands loosened the grip on Grumpy. As if the little puppy sensed that something was about to happen that he would rather not witness, he climbed out of the bowl unnoticed. Charlotte's grip on the bowl became tighter and Sidney's hands slid there as if by magic. He opened his lips slightly and moved imperceptibly closer, although they were already too close anyway. His chest pressed imperceptibly into her upper arm, her breath went rapidly, her eyes widened in anticipation.

Grumpy couldn't stand the tension anymore and began to shake his wet fur. The spell was broken when both jumped to their feet in shock. Charlotte bent down to wrap Grumpy in a towel.

"Charlotte!" ripened Mary as she ripped open your door.


"Here you are, come. Your bath is ready."

This was exactly the image Sidney had needed in his collection about Charlotte in his unseemly thoughts and he immediately turned his eyes away from her as she approached and pressed Grumpy into his arm.

"See you later, Mr Parker." She pressed out and her rough voice did something to his body that he could not hide anymore. He shivered.

"Miss Heywood."

Was all he could say before he stood alone with Grumpy in the kitchen garden.

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