"Umm... I don't think trying to wrestle him in wolf form is going to turn out very well for you." Mom added.

"owh? We are not that weak! Come on let's try atleast! We are not going to hurt you." They both stared at me with puppy eyes.

Hurt me? You guys are the ones who are going to get crushed. Kai scoffed.

I chuckled.

" Forth just show them. They are not going to listen otherwise. "Mom sighed.

They excitedly pulled me into the backyard and stepped away from me. They were staring at me expectantly.

" Umm... Can you guys maybe turn around? I don't really feel comfortable being looked at while I'm naked." I scratched my head sheepishly.

They were confused for a second but turned around eventually. I turned to the veranda and mom was also facing the other side.

I quickly took off my clothes and shifted.

After i was done i shook off my fur and let out a soft bark.

Kit and Yo turned around and gasped loudly when they saw me. I reached up to their shoulders.

"YOU'RE SO HUGE!" kit yelled.



"WAIT... YOUR EYES! ARE THEY GOLDEN?!" Yo stared at my eyes.

They stared at me in awe. Kit reached out his hand to touch me and i leaned in to his touch. He got excited and started scratching me softly with both hands. A few moments later, Yo also joined in.

"So fluffy." Yo cooed. 

They buried their noses in my fur and nuzzled me. 

I started to feel a little weak. 

Forth why don't you sit down? I don't think they are going to stop anytime soon. Kai said.

So i bent my legs and sat down. Kit and Yo fell on top of me since i didn't really give them any warning. But they didn't get up. They just laid on top of me and buried their faces in my fur.

I chuckled at their actions. 

I suddenly heard the sound of a shutter. I turned around to see what it was. Mom was standing on the veranda holding a camera. When she saw me looking, she smiled reassuringly. 

Suddenly i sensed an ominous aura from the woods infront of us. 

That's not good. Forth we need to get these three inside. Kai said.

I nudged kit and Yo. They looked at me confusedly. I got up and nudged them towards the packhouse. 

"Forth? What's wrong? Do you want to go inside?" Mom asked.

I nudged kit and Yo again.

Suddenly i heard a small whimper from the woods. From the looks of it, it was too quiet for the to other three to hear.

That's a cub! And judging by it's scent it's from this pack! They are trying to steal a cub! Kai yelled.

"Kai we need to save them!" I said.

Let me have control! I'll take care of it! He said.

I quickly let kai take over.

Kai's pov:

I dashed into the woods ignoring the calls from the three. I ran as fast as i could while tracking the cub's scent.

A few minutes later i saw three dark brown wolves running away. One of them had a small dirty grey cub in it's mouth.

I sped up and caught up to them. I jumped infront of them blocking their path.

Judging from their blood red eyes, they didn't belong to any pack. They were rouges.

They froze when they saw me. Two of them recovered quickly and growled at me. But i released a much deeper growl and they shrank back. 

The one holding the cub dropped it and stepped backwards. The cub curled into a small ball and whimpered softly. 

I went towards him and nudged him softly using my snout. He uncurled a little and looked at me. I signed him to get on my back. At first he was a little hesitant but when he smelled kit and yo's scent, he immediately relaxed and climbed quickly. 

When he was securely on my back, i turned to the three rouges.

Should i just kill them? I asked forth.

No! The cub is watching. We can't let him see that. Can you just knock them out? He asked.

I looked at the cub on my back and tried to sign him to hold on tightly. He seemed to have gotten the idea and tightened his grip with his paws.

I charged at the rouges and sent them flying towards the trees knocking them out instantly.  

Just then i heard the sound of footsteps rushing towards us. Judging from their scent they were Pha's mom and kit. There were also other warrior wolves with them.

When they saw me, the warrior wolves looked completely taken aback while the other two looked worried.

Pha's mom's wolf was a dark grey one with green eyes and kit's wolf was a dark brown one with hazel eyes.

They noticed the cub on my back and then turned towards the rouges lying unconscious on the ground. They seem to have gotten the idea of what happened. The warrior wolves growled and went towards the rouges. 

Pha's mom and kit came towards me and i bent my legs to let them see the cub. Pha's mom nudged him softly with her snout and he released a small purr. He didn't let go of me though. 

We made our way back to the packhouse with the cub on my back .The warrior wolves stayed back to deal with the rouges. 

The moment we entered the backyard, a woman who looked like she was in her early thirties rushed towards us. 

"My baby!" She tried to reach for the cub but since i was a little taller than her she couldn't. I bent my legs and let her take him. 

"Thank you so much for saving my baby. I can never repay you for this." She looked at me. 

I nuzzled the cub gently he released a small purr. 

"He seems to have taken a liking to you." She chuckled. 

She brought him inside and we also headed in. Pha's mom and kit shifted back. They had their backs turned to me so it should be ok.

Forth shift back. I said to forth.

Am i going to be ok when i shift back? he asked

Ahh...guess we are going to have to start the training earlier than planned. Its should be ok if you sleep for a few hours. I said.


I let him have control and he shifted back and quickly put on his clothes. 

Forth's pov:

The moment i stood up straight after putting on my clothes, my vision started getting blurry. 

I stumbled a little but kit caught me before i fell. 

"Forth! Are you ok?" He asked. but his voice sounded really far away. 

I could see that mom also approached us with a worried expression on her face.

Black spots started appearing in my vision. 

The last thing i heard was mom and kit shouting my name before i lost consciousness completely.


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