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The car drive was so silent that Hyungwon could hear the simple sound his throat makes when he gulps his saliva out of nervous.

Or the sound of Hoseok's veins bulging on his arm and the clench of his fists as he grips the wheel of his car, swiftly turning a curb and pulling forward to accelerate.

15 minutes of travel and ever since the dressing room accident happened, all Hyungwon did was follow the latter like a little puppy trailing behind his owner, tail down sweeping along his feet as if he accidentally knocked over a vase and his owner mad as shit ready to chain him outside the house.

Unless he wanted to be chained the other way...

but that's none of Hyungwon's concern and should never be a concern right at the moment. or ever.

"Are we seriously just gonna be quite the whole ride?" Hoseok spoke out of the blue.

"I thought so we decided that our tongues got slashed and that we lack oxygen and saliva and be mute forever till this ride halts stop over somewhere God knows where you're even taking me"

"Wow, that's a lot of line verse for someone who didn't debut as a rap artist" Hoseok snorts and it took Hyungwon amount of his patience to actually acknowledge the joke and not get offended.

"Big shot producer now looking down to the head choreographer of the company huh" Hyungwon turned his head to Hoseok who looked back at him with an apologetic look.

"Sorry, that didn't came out well. You know what I meant" He muttered and turned his sight back on the road.

"Actually, I have no damn fucking idea what you meant" Hyungwon crossed his arms while staring intently at the man across him.

The man he proclaims he's long lost best friend.

The man he used to exchange I lov—-never mind.

"You come in barging to my work telling them you've been waiting for me since the time we've arrived on the island and yet in the first place you didn't even warned me going somewhere and instead just picked me up in your car and now off we go to a silent ride"

Hoseok couldn't believed it. It's been awhile hearing and seeing this side of Hyungwon and he couldn't help to keep trying to forget that they're not lovers caught up in an argument because clearly they broke up years ago. This is just Hyungwon, a friend he fetched from his work whose mad for suddenly snatching him giving him no idea where to go to. Clearly not the Hyungwon whose face he sees every morning he wakes up and cuddles him to sleep with kisses.

"Are you seriously not gonna answer me where are you taking me? I could just fucking call the police now"

"Don't go on calling the popo now sweetheart"

Hoseok was grinning ear to ear until he noticed Hyungwon turned silent.

"Hey you ok---"

"What did you just called me?"

"Uhh... call you what?"

Hyungwon gaped and turned to face the window instead. His cheeks were burning and he wouldn't deny its not just from the cold nor he is freezing to death from Hoseok's sudden change of approach to him.

"Ohh.. sorry" Hoseok only then realised what he said.

What the hell Hoseok?! Sweetheart? That's your long lost bestfriend whom you havent have spoken to for years and certainly you still have excess baggage with but not to mention, is still your ex!

But sweetheart? Seriously?

"Was...caught up...in the moment you know..." He muttered as his breath wallowed on the awkward situation between them.

"I'm taking you to Minhyuk's beach house here, I'm sorry for "abducting"---if that's your choice of word---you from your work and get to spend time with your work mates" Hyungwon only watched as they move past forward the trees, patiently waiting till their destination.

"Also...I'm sorry about earlier with you and--"

"Okay enough, stop"

Hoseok shuts up and glanced briefly at the other who finally took interest on facing him.

"You've been apologising eversince my ass sat on your car, what else do you have in your vocubulary?" Hyungwon raised a brow, seems like anger left a millisecond ago. Instead facing him was Chae Hyungwon the sassy bitch.

The car halts to stop and the latter didn't realised the huge gate infront of them slowly opening, a familiar figure stood by the entrance inside.

"Why? Would you rather sit somewhere else?"
Hyungwon inwardly grimaces. Greasy Hoseok whom he taught was buried years ago is surprisingly still activate alive and kicking.

"Not that it matters to me," Hoseok knew well playing this games won't do good for his opponent is none other than this ethereal man exactly 5 inches closer to him, intimidating him  back with his stare and those fucking beautiful bee stung lips "but I bet the seat you were preferring is meant for Haewon-ssi, Mr. Producer"

Hyungwon opened the door beside him and went outside the car leaving the driver dumbfounded in his position.

"Hey babe, what's up? go inside and i'll lock the gates"


Haewon is here.

Hi could u comment? I miss interactions :(( how are all of youuuu?

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