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Hoseok walked the porch as if he was walking down the aisle, getting married to some Greek God. He snapped his thoughts and act as if everything is okay as he saw Hyungwon fiddling his fingers trying to approach him.

If he felt he could turn into a jelly, Hyungwon on the other hand wants the ground to eat him and just disappear.

He abruptly stopped breathing, feeling the beat of his heart. His blood rushing around his veins, his head spinning into the daylight, his body feels like clouds. He is nervous.

Hyungwon always makes him nervous.

'Not now Hoseok, this is not the right time to think he looks fuckable right now for fuck sake' He thought as his eyes scan his lover's figure.

Hyungwon's just too beautiful.
Too ethereal to be real.


Hyungwon's way more than beautiful.

Hyungwon's perfect.

Hoseok stared intently at the younger who recently took interest at the ground. Everyone's basically screaming at Hyungwon to just go and get grip but no, the latter was having his life crisis.

"It's rude not to look at someone in the eye" Hoseok stated. He softly smiles as he saw the taller one hesitantly raised his head to meet the eyes of the other.

"I—-umm.." Hyungwon inwardly cursed himself. He can't stop stuttering.

"What?" Hoseok cocked a brow. He just wants to hear Hyungwon's explanation and tackle him with a hug. God knows how much he's been holding back.

If he wasn't such a pride person, maybe  he'd be straddling Hyungwon right now and savour the latter. Even if the younger has some beans to tell.

"I'm s-sorry" Hyungwon breaths a little when he managed to choke out those little words.

Hoseok only hummed, clearly still not satisfied. He was about to walk past by Hyungwon when a certain someone approached them.

"Hold on short cake, you don't have plans ditching my nephew now wouldn't you?"

Hoseok scrunched his face.

'What the bloody hell' Hoseok glared as he realise the face. She was that girl who was holding his lover's hand and kissed him.

"Okay, bitch calm down" Hyuna hissed when she picked up Hoseok's glare.

"First of all, I'm Hyuna the great yes thank you, thank you peasants " Acting as if thanking her people, Changkyun snorted at her and Hoseok only dead panned.

Some people took jealousy the other way around.

"Okay stop, I'm not a fan of incest okay" Hyuna rolled her eyes when everyone's attention was on her.

"Your point is?" Hoseok grumpily tap his foot impatiently. He is sick of waiting just for a goddamn valid reason why the flying fuck this woman's lips tried to intrude his property.

Hoseok doesn't like anyone who has intentions on what is his. He is against of sharing.

Specifically, Hyungwon.

Hyungwon is and will only be his.

"My point is, I don't date bisexual people, specifically as gay as Hyungwon" the said guy gaped at her.

"Mom!" Hyungwon turned to look at his mom who was obnoxiously laughing.

"Sorry sweetheart, your Auntie has a point"

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