Summoning Laughing Jack

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Supplies needed:
•a handful of hard candies
•2 black candles and 2 white candles
•a jack in the box wind up toy
•3 black and white balloons
•your phone
Best location to perform this spell:
An abandoned circus or in a closet
When to perform this spell:
3:00 AM
What to do:
It's best to perform this spell in an abandoned circus if you have access to one. Sit down and light the candles with the white ones in front of you and behind you. Light the black candles and put them on both sides of you. Get out your phone and start playing some carnival music (particularly dark carnival music). Scatter the hard candies all around you on the floor and put one in your mouth. Don't chew or crunch on it just keep it in your mouth. Call out to laughing jack and make your intentions strong. The candies are offering to give him incentive to come. Wait until the hard candy in your mouth dissolves completely and wind up the jack in the box. Stare into it and wait for it to pop. As soon as it pops blow out all four candles as fast as you can. Go straight to bed and leave the candies, candles and jack in the box on the floor. Okay the carnival music on repeat all night while you sleep until you wake up the next morning.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2020 ⏰

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