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Olympia skipped down the hallway, Arden by her side. Most of the lower classmen watched them with wide eyes as they passed by. Maddox, Olympia, and Arden were well known around the school.

They were who everyone wanted to be, they were the best. A smirk came to Arden's face as he made eye contact with one of the juniors. He ran his hand through his growing hair before sending the girl a wink.

Olympia saw this and let out a loud laugh. "What are doing?"

Arden glanced at her and shrugged, "I saw Maddox do it once, I wanted to know if they would have the same reaction if I did it."

Olympia just shook her head deciding not to comment. They walked in silence, choosing to bask in the attention they were getting. After a while, Arden started up a conversation, "Are you going to help the freshman today on the field?"

"Ahh, I heard about that...we are supposed to be helping them with their powers right?"

"Mmhm, it's voluntary, but I still plan on going with Maddox."

Olympia shook her head in distaste, she didn't feel like helping anyone especially if she didn't have to. Arden shook his head at her reaction, a look of amusement coating his features.

"You know helping people would be really good for you...since you lack people skills."

"Screw you, I am great with people."

As if on cue a short freshman bumped into Olympia causing her to stumble slightly. Arden put his hand on her shoulder to steady her.

"I'm so sorry, I am just really clumsy and this book-" The freshman started, but stopped quickly when Olympia shushed her.

"If you are truly sorry....beg for my forgiveness."


"Get on your knees and beg," Olympia stated, a large smile on her lips. The freshman's legs began to shake as she started to get on her knees, but Arden stopped her quickly.

"Don't listen to her, she's just a sadist."

The freshman nodded hurriedly before running away from the pair. Olympia let out a giggle as she watched the freshman leave.

"How cute."

"You see what I mean, you lack people skills," Arden said, glaring. Olympia just shrugged before taking the lollipop from her mouth and shoving it into Arden's mouth.

"Why did you do that?"

"You looked like you needed the sugar."

Arden sucked on the lollipop, his face scrunching up in delight. "What flavor is this?"




Maddox and Arden stood on the large field in activewear as they listened to their Power Coach talk. The Serpents and Phoenixes had separated themselves on the field, refusing to even look the others way.

There was a large difference in the number of Phoenixes and Serpents on the field due to all the Serpents out sick. Maddox smiled at the small group of Serpents, knowing that he was the cause of it.

Since there weren't many Serpents the ones who weren't sick were forced to participate. Maddox glanced over to the other side, his eyes finding Kingston, immediately. He didn't know why but something about him was extremely irritating.

Kingston must have felt Maddox's strong glare because he turned towards him causing them to make eye contact. This time though, Maddox didn't look away, instead, he raised an eyebrow in challenge.

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