2. Blitz Has a Thing For Indiana Jones

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Hearth POV

"I'm too young to be a parent!" Blitz complained as he tried to decide which weaponized outfit would make him the most stylish hobo to exist. "I don't know the first thing about teenagers. And I'm still a teenager!"

I sat on the bed as I watched Blitz pace with nervous energy. The contents of the envelope played on repeat in my brain. Protect Magnus Chase. We had known since December, of course, that we would have to protect this boy. But the exact reason why was weighing quite heavily on both of us. We knew it was because he was the only person who could summon a certain weapon, but we were still waiting for Mimir to elaborate on that.

"What kind of name is Magnus anyway?" Blitz continued to pace and complain, but it was hard to focus on his words when he was moving.

It's a kingly name, I told him. What kind of name is B-L-I-T-Z-E-N?

Blitz stopped pacing and narrowed his eyes at me. I was born in winter, he signed angrily. Good enough? Were you born by a hearth? He signed sarcastically. Blitz almost never spoke verbally to me, and if he didn't know a word, he'd finger-spell it. Still, Blitz had picked up ASL faster than I expected. I had figured out he was taking online classes. I mean, come on. I had started to wonder what he was locking himself up in his (our) room for.

I ignored his question and instead held up the clothes he gave me to my own body, the white shirt, olive pants, and tan leather jacket that made me think of something Indiana Jones would wear (Blitz had forced me to watch all the movies). We are supposed to look unassuming, I reminded the dwarf.

I used to be a costume designer for my school's drama club, Blitz signed. I know what I am doing.

I was acutely reminded that if Blitz hadn't been an astounding early graduate, he would be in school right now. Too bad you are missing out on drama club right now.

Blitz smirked. Since his hands were now occupied with the task of taking clothes off of hangers, he said, "And you? What would you be missing out on?"

Home-schooled, I replied. Private schooling. I didn't elaborate. There didn't seem a need to. One day I was being taught by a hired tutor, the next I had left home behind, as well as my schooling. I had no use for a world of white boards and textbooks. Not when magic existed, calling for me.

Blitz's mouth hardened into a hard line. I knew that it wasn't me being home-schooled that bothered him, but the thought of me being stuck in the Alderman household. I quickly changed the subject.

I am not wearing this, I told Blitz, bringing his attention back to the clothes.

Why not? Blitz nudged a pair of what resembled, in my opinion, cowboy boots. Subtle but sexy.

Definitely not. I stood and examined the outfit I was already wearing: Black jeans, black t-shirt, black leather jacket, pointy-toed motorcycle boots. In fact, Blitz and I had bought these clothes in Midgard, where there were actually clothes my size. (Blitz had made me some custom clothes, too.)

This will do, I told him. Blitz came to stand behind me and draped my candy-striped scarf, which he had apparently fetched from its spot on the bed where I had left it, over my shoulders.

Adds some color, Blitz noted. Keeps you from looking like a vampire.

I frowned and nudged him away, but playfully. Blitz's face erupted into a smile, but it faded quickly.

This is not a game, Blitz signed. I waited for him to elaborate as his hands hung in the air. This kid...he is homeless. We are not. Pretending. Playing dress-up.

This same thought had crossed my mind. We were to watch over Magnus Chase, protect him from the dangers of Midgard and of the Norse world. We had to gain his trust, and part of that meant being able to sympathize with him on a personal level. We wouldn't have to live out on the streets. But this young kid did. He didn't have a choice.

I wish we could take him in, I told Blitz. Give him a home.

I know. Blitz shuffled his feet, gazing at his shoes before bringing his gaze to my face. We have to do our best to give him a home within us.

I hadn't even met this kid yet, but already I knew I would do anything for him. Maybe it was the captivating quality of his gray eyes pictured in his school photo, mirroring the eyes of my brother, Andiron, or maybe even myself as a young child. Maybe it was the brief homelessness I had experienced before I met Blitz that made me understand a fraction of what this kid was going through. Maybe it was because I had never truly felt like I'd had a home to begin with, and I wanted to give one to Magnus.

I knew I came off as heartless, cold. That's what my father had said, anyway. But I couldn't fail this kid. Would not.

Blitz wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his head into my shoulder blade. His soft and warm touch brought me back to reality. I turned around so he was the one in my arms, then leaned down to brush my lips against his, just once. The ghost of a kiss. I straightened up as Blitz tilted his head for an actual kiss. He tapped my chest with annoyance and furrowed his brow, standing on tiptoes. I just gave him a smirk. Then Blitz cupped the back of my head and pulled me towards him, kissing me with a ferocity that surprised me but was nonetheless welcome.

I smiled from beneath his lips, grateful for his warmth in this chilly apartment (heat was just another bill, and also something that dwarves seemed to forget that everyone else needed to survive). I cupped the nape of his neck, braiding my fingers through his hair. Every touch was electrifying, sending sparks through my veins. It was tongue against teeth, teeth on bottom lip, lips against skin. I had never felt worthy of really any affection in my life, but I was learning. Blitz was a good teacher.

As Blitz pulled away, eyes half-lidded with ecstasy, he signed, I do not know how often we will get to do this.

I know. My fingers forgot how to move on their own for a moment. I felt like I was moving through honey. But I will not let you go.

Blitz closed his eyes and brought my hand to his face. I drew my thumb across his cheek bone, over his eyebrow, across his eyelashes, down the bridge of his nose, into the divot of his cupid's bow, over his soft and full lips.

I had chosen a path of uncertainty when I left my parents' home for good. But I would rather live through uncertainty to achieve happiness than live through certainty to lead to despair.

I opened my own eyes. Blitz was gazing at my hand, still cupped around his face. I dropped my hand so I could sign.


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