1. We Find a Bodiless Head in the Sink (Breakfast Gets Interesting)

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Blitz POV

The first thing I woke up to was an obnoxious gurgling sound coming from the kitchen.

Actually, no, that's false. I'm only saying that because that's where the action began. The first thing I woke up to, in reality, was Hearth's warm breath against my nose. My eyes slowly opened, taking in half-lidded gray eyes against a glowing face. Hearth's skin tone was fair, and often looked pretty pale in Nidavellir, considering how the environment was not fit for elves. But when he was in a bright and warm climate or his mood was good, his skin took on a pearly hue. This was one of those times. It warmed me down to my core to see him so content, and I wanted to bottle this moment and live in it forever.

Never did I think that, at eighteen years old, I would wake up next to the love of my life, whom I had met only a little over a month prior.

There, I said it. Call me dramatic, but did you find your love while embarking on a journey to a well that grants wishes (basically)? Did you become entangled with a complete stranger while discovering your fate? No. If that doesn't scream SOULMATES to you, I don't know what will.

Back to reality.

Hearth bid good morning by placing a kiss to my forehead, which I returned. We just laid there for a while, taking in the moment. Hearth traced letters on my back, and I tried to guess what he was saying. Hearth claims this is just for fun but I think he's testing me, too. I mean, you never know. There could be a time when Hearth and I are in complete darkness and can't see each other sign, having to rely on touch only. 

We finally got out of bed, and the reality of the world came tumbling down. While Hearth was in the shower, I first made some breakfast for the two of us, then went outside to check the mail. It was the end of the month, and time to pay the rent. Hearth and I had been struggling with the finances for the month. We'd been living off of my father's will, mostly, and his savings, which covered a lot, but we were running pretty tight, especially since I didn't have a job. At least, not anymore. Curse Junior.

You see, my dream is to start my own fashion line and open a store, but that dream has been kind of difficult. Once Hearth and I get this business done for Mimir, though, that should be possible. That's the entire point of working for Mimir. In the meantime I've been trying to find a job elsewhere, but my name is not very popular right now. That probably has something to do with a bit of a fiasco Hearth and I caused a couple of months ago, which involved cake, a stolen moped, and a lot of angry dwarves. Again, curse Junior. We received threatening messages for awhile, some directed at me, others for Hearth, or the both of us, but that has slowed. It got so bad at one point, though, that Hearth and I considered staging Hearth's permanent departure of Nidavellir, but I think people have mostly forgotten about him living here, to be honest. He doesn't go out unless he has to.

I'd been keeping a steady eye on our finances for awhile now, and when I received the bill for the month, I knew Hearth and I had to come to a decision. We couldn't afford to keep living here, and I knew it. I'm pretty sure Hearth did, too. As he walked into the kitchen with water droplets still beading on his head, Hearth frowned at the sight of the bill in my hand.

What are we going to do? Hearth asked.

I didn't know how to answer him. Luckily, I didn't have to. The answer came from the kitchen sink (cue the gurgling I mentioned before).

I eyed the bubbly water that covered the dishes I had just put in the sink. I thought maybe the water was draining, but the level remained the same. Instead, a tuft of brown hair peeked over the tower of bubbles, then a patch of wrinkly skin.

Alarmed, I let out a yelp that was louder than I care to admit, and Hearth followed my line of sight. He stiffened a little but then relaxed, looking annoyed at most. A fully formed head arose from our kitchen sink.

"Oh! Mimir! Didn't, uh, expect to see you here." My voice was about three octaves higher than usual. Hearth gave me a private smirk, glancing at me from his periphery. I gently told him to go piss himself.

"Eh? Oh, I don't normally appear in the sink, but I wanted to talk to you in person."

My heart rate, which was already high, continued to rise. Hearth and I had been waiting to hear from Mimir about the task we would need to complete in exchange for the fulfillment of our dreams. We knew it was supposed to occur in January, and we had entered the new month and new year anxiously.

"What's going on?" I asked, even though I already knew.

"Certain sources have informed me that you're not doing so hot right now." Wow, thanks Mimir. Way to call us out like that.

Hearth cocked an eyebrow, trying to comprehend what was going on based on my reactions. I felt bad for not being able to sufficiently translate. However, as he resignedly crossed his arms across his chest, I knew Hearth understood that this was the visit we'd been anticipating. I'd give him the details later.

"Uh, well...neither of us are employed..."

"Right. Well, the time of your duty has come, as I'm sure you've been expecting. Take a look at that envelope right there. No, there. That's it." I picked up an envelope underneath all the mail I had received, and right before my eyes, ink scrawled across the front of it, constructing words in real time: CLASSIFIED. Very subtle.

"Wait, what exactly will our duty be?" I was itching to just open the envelope, but something about Mimir's gaze told me I should wait. Hearth and I knew that we would be watching over a demigod named Magnus Chase, and that his life would depend on us, but we didn't know much else. We were itching to get more info because in matters regarding life and death, being informed is very important.

Mimir tried to blow the bubbles out of his grizzly beard. "Most of the information is in that envelope. It's too dangerous to speak of this matter aloud, at least here. You have forty-eight hours to figure out any arrangements you need to make. I'll meet you in Midgard at the designated location for any further questions you may have. Burn or shred the information once you've read it." He shook some water out of his ear, then said, "Oh, and by the way. Refer to me as 'the Capo' from now on. Or boss. Doesn't matter to me. But my name has power. Don't want it to fall into the wrong hands. Or mouth, I should say." Mimir chuckled.

I opened my mouth to ask more questions, but Mimir was already swirling down the drain, along with the dishwater.

Hearth immediately began asking questions. What is our task? When are we starting?

I waved the envelope before setting it down on the counter. All the information is in here. We start in two days.

Hearth snatched the envelope and held it to his heart. He let out a sigh, closed his eyes. He'd been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. He was finally making headway in his dreams, as was I.

A/N: Hi guys! In 2018, after I finished my first Blitzstone fic, I said I'd be back (soon) with a sequel. It's finally here! I haven't even written much of it, just a bunch of scattered ideas that haven't really formed into a story yet, but I was itching to just put this out here. It's been too long, lol.

It's not necessary to read my first Blitzstone fic to understand what's going on in this one. Searching For Purpose was about how Blitz and Hearth met, their back stories, and their journey together to Mimir's well. I hope my writing will be better in this story lol. That last one was kind of a mess.

I'm putting Uncle Rick-style chapter titles in this time. I don't want this to be so dramatic, honestly. Take it easy, folks.

I also edited this chapter later on to fix some timeline issues.

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