7. We Befriend a Homeless Teenager

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Blitz POV

I met Hearth in the comfort of a dimly lit coffee shop as the day grew late, evening light too low to do me much harm (well, besides making my joints a little stiff). 

Hearth wore a giddy smile as I slid into a seat across the table from him.

Guess what?

I just raised an eyebrow at him.

I am now Magnus's friend.

How? I replied.

Hearth relayed his story to me, about Magnus running from Gomez, teaching him the sign for rules.

Impressive, I noted.

Across the room, the barista was giving us a dirty look. I sighed and decided to order something before we got kicked out. Cash was short these days, since Hearth and I were practically homeless, spending about twelve hours each in Midgard. We had enough money to cover the apartment in Nidavellir thanks to my father's will, but that was it. For food we subsisted on whatever we could find. I had to wear the same thing pretty much every day to commit to the part, but Hearth didn't own anything besides his leather jacket and scarf anyway.

I slid Hearth a hot chocolate taking a sip of my own drink. Even though it was nearing April the damp Boston air was no joke. I was used to the damp, cold climate of Nidavellir, but Hearth's nose was always running. I had to remind him to wrap his scarf tighter around his neck.

I missed you, I told him.

Hearth looked at me with those watery, soulful eyes. A frown tugged at the corner of his mouth.

I miss not sleeping next to you, he said.

For the past three months Hearth and I had been watching Magnus nearly nonstop. When we had spent the night together at our apartment, Mimir's head showed up in the bathtub to yell at us.

"One of you should always be around, even if you don't constantly have eyes on him. I have my agents around to keep tabs, to let one of you know if shit is going down. You don't have to baby him, but if he dies, it's game over."

Message clear. We hadn't been together at the apartment since.

I wanted to reach out and take Hearth's hand, but that was considered very rude since it would be like telling him to shut up, so I opted for pressing my leg against his own.

You want to meet Magnus? Hearth said suddenly.

I shrugged. Why not?

The light was weak, but there was enough to keep Hearth from passing out. I pulled my hat further down my forehead and followed him out of the coffee shop. Hearth downed his drink and tossed the cup into a nearby trash can. I followed suit.

We made our way to the Boston Public Library. It was a gorgeous place. It reminded me a little bit of Vanaheim, with its grand columns and warmly lit hallways.

I told him I'd teach him ASL, Hearth told me.

When? I was incredulous.

He gave me a bagel the other day. Said I'd teach him ASL in return.

You would've done it anyway.

I smiled, pushing the door open and holding it out for Hearth. I wasn't surprised that Magnus had become trusting of Hearth, but I was a little jealous that he had the beginning of a friendship with him and not me.

We eventually found Magnus tucked into an armchair, surrounded by oak bookshelves, reading a book about dinosaurs. His eyelids were low, about to drift off the sleep. He perked up when he saw the two of us coming. What a pair we must've been, polar opposites.

Magnus immediately reached for his bag, but he relaxed as he recognized Hearth.

"Hearth, right?"

The elf nodded. This is Blitz.

Magnus didn't quite understand, so I translated. "Blitz," I said, holding my hand out for Magnus. He shook it, albeit tentatively. I felt like if I wasn't careful I would crush his tendons with my grip.

"Wait, I've seen you before." Magnus narrowed his eyes.

"Trinity church?"

Understanding flashed across the boy's face. "You saved me back there."

"You did the same for us." I thought back to the first day Hearth and I spent in Midgard.

Magnus just shrugged. "It can't always be every man for himself. Gotta have some allies, too. You're Hearth's friend?"

"Well, actually-" Hearth elbowed me in the ribs. "Y-yes," I sputtered. I shot Hearth a dirty look, but he remained stoic-faced, as always.

"Hearth said he'd teach me some signs," Magnus continued. "You're fluent too?"

"That I am. I picked it up when I met Hearth."

We spent the next few hours going over basics and important phrases. By the end of it, Magnus looked a little brighter. The shadows had faded from beneath his eyes.

"You got a place for the night?" I asked Magnus before he left.

"I always find something," he shrugged.

"Well, if you ever need a buddy, we can always camp under some bridge."

Magnus gave a light laugh. "I'll keep that in mind." Then he was gone.

Let's get you home. I patted Hearth on the back.

Once we were outside the library I stopped Hearth by pulling on his sleeve. The lamps outside the doors cast his face in an eerie glow. 

Why did you stop me from saying I'm your boyfriend? I asked.

Hearth chewed on his lip. I didn't realize it was a big deal.

It matters to me. If you don't want to say anything that's fine, but that was kind of rude of you to stop me like that.

Hearth cast his eyes downward. I'm sorry. His fingers fumbled for a moment. I am still navigating life outside my father's house. 

We stood in the silence of his words for a moment. I had always been pretty comfortable with my sexuality, but I had to remember that Hearth grew up in a place where being different--in any way--was shameful. 

Nothing to be sorry for, I told him. I should have asked. 

Hearth tensed his shoulders ever so slightly, enough where no one else would notice. Can we keep this...our relationship...between us?

It was easy enough when we didn't see each other, but I didn't tell him that. 

Of course. Whatever you're comfortable with. I couldn't help the heaviness in my heart, though.

Hearth leaned down to kiss me then, a gentle peck. I wrapped my arms around his torso and pulled him close. 

Tears stung at my eyes, but I looked away before Hearth could see. His fingers were in my hair. I wanted them to stay like that.

Let's get you home, I told him.

Hearth yawned in agreement. The darkness was draining his energy. I guided him to the duckling statue, the gate to the World Tree.

I love you, H.

He smiled drowsily in response. I leaned forward at the last moment and kissed him, and then he was gone.

This definitely wasn't the best chapter ever but we all need a little drama in our lives sometimes. I'm at home with covid so I thought it would be a good time to write (I'm fine, just isolating). 

Hope life treats you well,


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2022 ⏰

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