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Commander Koko Ci, Yaya and Ying tried to stop the escape pod from taking off but few seconds later, they see an escape pod blast off to space with Boboiboy inside it.

"Cih! We failed! We don't even know where he will be going" said Commander Koko Ci slamming the keyboard
"Uuhhh... Gopal! Did he say anything beside that?" asked Yaya
"He just say his name is Reverse and taking Ochobot away, he didn't said anything"

Suddenly Fang and Amato comes in with Mechabot and Ochobot

"Ochobot!" shout Yaya, Ying and Gopal
"What's going on Laksamana?" asked Commander Koko Ci
"Okay Ochobot, can you tell us what happen?" said Fang serious
"So... Reverse didn't say anything about what is he planning but.."
"But?" asked Amato
"He forced me to suck four of Boboiboy's elementals"
"HAH?!" shout the four friends surprised
"Inside me now, there's Taufan, Gempa, Ice and Thorn... I don't understand why he force me to do that and if I don't do it, he will hurt Boboiboy... I'm sorry"

"It's okay Ochobot, you have no choice after all. But... by taking control all seven elementals should make him stronger right? Why he throw those four elementals" said Amato thinking
"Actually, I already suspicious of Boboiboy's behavior ever since our mission in Gigojo planet. I remember that he secretly talk with Motobot and Emotibot behind us. I talk to them but they're too scared to tell me the truth"
"Well... I think this time they will tell us everything since Boboiboy is not in the station" said Commander Koko Ci using his computer to make announcement to the agents in the power sphere to bring Motobot and Emotibot

Fang, Yaya, Ying and Gopal are thinking on why Reverse throw four elementals and of course how did he can control Boboiboy like that

"Hmmm... Can I get a full detail what happen when you guys on a mission in Gigojo?" asked Amato serious

Fang tell everything about what happen from the robot and Boboiboy got sucked inside the black hole. Amato then walk toward the computer and type something

"That robot... it sounds familiar" said Mechabot
"I know... I think he must be.... Ah is this the robot?" asked Amato while showing a robot picture on the screen
"Yeah! That's the robot" said Ying
"I knew it, this robot is called Nightmare001. Long time ago, there's a big war between alien pirates and protectors for getting the power spheres and power sources. The pirates plan is creating a robot that can make nightmares into reality to sabotage the protectors defense and control their mind. Through the protectors manage to concurred their nightmare and defeat the pirates"

"How did you know all of that...?" asked Fang surprised
"I'm one of the protectors that time along with Maskmana and I think Captain Kaizo's father also join the battle as well. The battle happen when Boboiboy was around 2 years old and I have to leave him and his mother with Tok Aba for few months. If I remember correctly, the robot that attack us also can make a black hole which create a nightmare of the one that the robot pick"
"Wait... but that time Boboiboy was sucked inside that black hole... so which means?" said Gopal
"Boboiboy's worst nightmare cannot be created because it stays inside him!" said Yaya understanding the situation
"Exactly... that's why he was unconscious, maybe that Reverse is the one who did it to him" said Amato folding his arms
"Now the main problem is, who's controlling the robot?" asked Fang getting the situation cleared

Moments later, the door opens shows both Motobot and Emotibot comes in the main control room

"Ah you two... all of us need some explanations" said Commander Koko Ci
"What is it?" asked Motobot
"I presume you know about Reverse? What is he planning to?" asked Fang
"Eh... uhhh..." said Emotibot hiding behind Motobot
"Don't worry, he's not in this station. He run with an escaped pod which we can't locate so we need your help" said Yaya encouraging both power sphere to talk
"Okay... Boboiboy or should I say, Reverse ask me about the emperor relic and where is it..." said Motobot
"He ask me about Boboiboy's seven different personalities and force me to scan him thoroughly about those personalities" said Emotibot
"Commander!" said Amato serious to Commander Koko Ci
"Yaya! Ying! Get the spaceship ready!" shout Commander Koko Ci

While Yaya, Ying and Commander Koko Ci getting the spaceship ready with the coordinates, Gopal goes closer to Emotibot

"Emotibot, can you give us the results of that personality scan?" asked Gopal
"Sure... Boboiboy's personalities and behavior are divided because it's connected to his elementals which to be source of their powers. His lightning powers connected to his anger, impatient and jealously, his wind power connected to his happiness, carefree and outgoing, his earth power connected to leadership, responsible and great listener, his fire power connected to childish, competitive and aggressive, his water power connected to calmness, patient and laziness, his plant power connected to innocence, cheerful and caring, his light power connected to intelligence, impulsivity and inflated ego"

"The one that Reverse ask Ochobot to suck is the elementals that mostly have Boboiboy's good personality than the other three" said Gopal after hearing Emotibot
"You're right Gopal... then Reverse plan is to shut all Boboiboy's good personalities" said Fang thinking
"He did say that he is Boboiboy's opposite so... it does make sense for him to shut the original traits"




On the other side

Boboiboy woke up and saw that he's inside a little spaceship

"Finally you are awake" said Reverse evilly
"Wait... what... huh?" said Boboiboy who look very confused by the scenery and seeing Reverse on a reflection
"How did you feel"
"I feel... weird... where are we going anyway?"

Reverse then look at the monitor and auto pilot control inside the escaped pod as it shows the course of where are they going

"The place that I can complete my plan, you okay with it right?"
"Well fine I guess..."
"Then, is it okay after that I blown up the place"
"Yeah sure, why not... when will we arrived huh?"
"Almost there buddy, wait okay"

Boboiboy look at the window showing the space stars impatiently with frown face. Reverse let out an evil smile because he successfully erasing Boboiboy's good personalities. Right now in front of him, Boboiboy can't feel any happiness, responsibility being a protector of power sphere and the most important thing, caring to other people

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